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Help for Heroes announce they will not accept donations from EDL

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I understand some of the grievances of the EDL but going through the street smashing Mosques and beating people isn't going to change any mindsets.


Plus that they come across as boozed up smack heads doesn't help either.


As for the "Moderate" Muslims...



The ones that are truly moderate are actually the bad Muslims in the eyes of the Quran.

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Do you need 4 male MUSLIM witnesses to confirm you were raped at work before a sex discrimination case?


Sorry, but I think you're fighting against the wrong thing.


People who aren't getting fair (in their opinion) treatment at these courts should be free to take it to "normal" trial. That people are finding it difficult / impossible to make that decision is the problem, not the existence of the courts. Getting rid of those courts entirely would just result in the justice being dealt with behind closed doors, resulting in even more oppression and injustice.


British Courts can overrule any decision made by a Sharia Court in the UK. The same is not true in the opposite direction.

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Do you think H4H are right to tell the EDL they don't want their money?

Why are you trying to make an issue of it being the EDL donations being turned down,what part of

""It's the same for any political party, we don't allow political fundraising. As a charity, we're non-political."

dont you understand ?

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what part of

""It's the same for any political party, we don't allow political fundraising. As a charity, we're non-political."

dont you understand ?

So you think H4H should take money off of the EDL because of their policy of being non-political?

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Why are you trying to make an issue of it being the EDL donations being turned down,what part of

""It's the same for any political party, we don't allow political fundraising. As a charity, we're non-political."

dont you understand ?


Can you not just give a straight answer to the question?

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So you think H4H should take money off of the EDL because of their policy of being non-political?

Where do you get that supposition from ,I quoted H4H's rules if they believe that the EDL is politically motivated then they abide by those rules I would also expect them to refuse donations from the EDL's counterparts, the UAF.I didnt make the rules ,H4H did.


---------- Post added 29-05-2013 at 14:21 ----------


Can you not just give a straight answer to the question?

I can only give you the answer as ruled by H4H rules

so I dont understand what your problem is unless you are trying to say EDL money is tainted,H4H are not saying that.

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I never understand the aversion to answering a simple question.


I think that the EDL have used the death of a soldier as a political pawn, and I am very happy that Help For Heroes have not been complicit in that and have rejected the donation. It makes a very strong statement that they too are not willing to be used by the EDL.

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I never understand the aversion to answering a simple question.

I can never understand the aversion to a simple answer,I quoted H4H statement on its rules ,if you are asking me if they should refuse the EDL's donation simply because they are the EDL I will say no they shouldnt,you answer my question then H4H is basically a group to help soldiers/families killed or injured in action,now the biggest part of those killed will have been on the receiving end of a bullet or a mine etc fired or planted by a Muslim therefore should they refuse donations by Muslims on that footing ?

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I can never understand the aversion to a simple answer,I quoted H4H statement on its rules ,if you are asking me if they should refuse the EDL's donation simply because they are the EDL


Yes clearly. They're a bunch of tiny minded racist morons.


I will say no they shouldnt


You would say that


you answer my question then H4H is basically a group to help soldiers/families killed or injured in action,now the biggest part of those killed will have been on the receiving end of a bullet or a mine etc fired or planted by a Muslim therefore should they refuse donations by Muslims on that footing ?


Obviously not.

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