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Sheffield Comedy Club - anyone been?


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The Last Laugh runs at The Lescar on Thursday nights and The Roundhouse on Friday and Saturday nights. We have the best UK circuit acts, all Comedy Store and Jongleurs regulars, as well as our resident compere Toby Foster.


We run Coming Out, Sheffield's brand new gay comedy night, and the latest Last Laugh venture opens in The Raynor Lounge in Sheffield Uni's Student's Union this Sunday evening.


We run a monthly gong show on a Sunday night at The Lescar, and have got one more thing up our sleeves (new Wednesday night comedy coming to The Cathedral Quarter soon), then we're calling it a day!

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This might sound abit stupid but has the last laugh comedy club got anything to do with the lescar? Always wanted to go out to comedy club but never found any of the regular ones ive heard about such as junglars and comedy store, are many of the comedians local?:huh:

Hi Dark fox

THe last laugh has answerd many of your questions but jsut to say the Sheffield spirit runs high in the last laugh and we like to think that we run an operation similar to the clubs you mention but with a lot of Sheffield friendlyness and eay going about it. The acts are a mixed collection of circuit profesionals some local others from around the world.

Its ment to be an easy night out, nothing seedy, dark or nasty and everyone just needs to get in, have a drink or two and a laugh, thats it HAVE A LAUGH.


remember the quote from history " a laugh is a nosie that comes out of a hole in you head, anywhere else and you are in trouble".

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We certainly hope you enjoy The Last Laugh. It's feeling like a bit of a success at the minute, with Saturdays selling out, and at least 150 or so coming in on Fridays. Saturdays are big and bouncy, and Fridays a bit more chilled. We are trying to move the business on with things like comedian's tours, and our new monthly gay night, Coming Out!!


Any feedback is always welcome, on club@grinreaper.co.uk .





With respect, thats not exactly true. We've not heard of most of the acts at The Caper Club, and certainly couldn't use them at The Roundhouse. People have been coming to Last Laugh nights for fifteen years now in Sheffield, and they have come to expect a certain standard. The Caper Club does provide what a city needs, a good alternative club where newer acts can join a paid act to get a feel of a stage, but it's a bit different from putting on three or four full time professionals a night.

Really, I have regularly seen the same acts on at the Caper Club the same week or the following week as those that have performed at The Lescar which if I'm not mistaken is owned and run by the same people of the Last Laugh thus offering the same acts.


I'm not knocking your night and I'm not affiliated with The Caper Club, mine is an unbias and individual opinion. I'm not exactly on here to lie about one club for another... I call as I see it.


Yes The Caper Club has an open mic policy for new talent but please done say you dont have some of the same acts on the same week or following week because I know this to be different.

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Well, inevitably, with the UK circuit as it is, we will use similar acts from time to time. I only said that we have never heard of most of the acts used at The Caper Club, as we only deal with pro acts at The Roundhouse. There are times when we would use the kind of acts that Headline at The Caper Club to open for us.


So far this year, we have indeed used one of the acts who has appeared at The Caper Club, but as we have used 54 different acts in that same time period, I hardly think we have much of a cross over.


However, I think you maybe misunderstood me. I believe we need more entry level clubs if we are to develop a comedy scene in the city. We need clubs like The Caper Club to put new talent on, to bring them forward. Punters will not go for brand new acts at nights like The Roundhouse; they've paid fifteen quid, they expect solid laughs from start to finish. Our night at The Lescar is 15 years old, so people have expectations of quality from that. So a few clubs where people can come to the city and have a go at standing up in front of an audience is fantastic.


We're launching our Gong Night at The Lescar this Sunday with just that in mind. Local compere Mark Jackson will have a pro first half, then in the second half, up to 10 acts who get up to 5 minutes on stage, depending on audience reaction.It'll be three quid to get in, and a bit of a Sunday night laugh. It's about getting punters involved and believing that there is a scene, and not just some clubs, in Sheffield.

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