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Who owes Ireland's massive debt mountain?

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They're not "sidestepping responsibility" by emigrating. They can't find work in Ireland, or can find better work abroad. Good for them.


How global finance ever got into this damn mess is beyond me. The madness of human beings and their money.

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it isn't a personal liability, but everyone will be contributing to the repayment by way of taxes


How do the people in charge portray it tho?

Do they get the old "We're in it together" stuff our government throw out?


I know if I was an 18 year old Irish lad I wouldn't feel that way, I wouldn't think twice about moving if it meant I could find steady employment.

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How do the people in charge portray it tho?

Do they get the old "We're in it together" stuff our government throw out?


I know if I was an 18 year old Irish lad I wouldn't feel that way, I wouldn't think twice about moving if it meant I could find steady employment.


And there's the rub!


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 11:53 ----------


If we owe Eire Xbillion and Eire owes us Xbillion why don't the sums just cancel out????

Quanititative Easing, ie printing money. Where's it going?, what % of the money in circulation is it?

And what's it doing to my savings, such as they are? destroying them?

It seems to me that the world is producing vast quantities of non essential goods using non-renewable resources just so that people have something to do and earn a crust.As an example go to any boot fair and see the vast quantityof toys that no one wants.

With a bit of luck I won't be here when the chickens come home to roost.

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How do the people in charge portray it tho?

Do they get the old "We're in it together" stuff our government throw out?


I know if I was an 18 year old Irish lad I wouldn't feel that way, I wouldn't think twice about moving if it meant I could find steady employment.


To answer your question yes they do, probably because all politicians from any country are a bunch of self serving duplicitous chancers who are out for number one.

The famous quote in Ireland on the subject is Bertie Aherns 'Well we all partied didn't we?'


I am Anglo Irish, father from Sheffield, mother from County Clare. My wife & I go over every year to visit my family. Going to a wedding in July.


There are 12 different households that I am related to & I can assure you that not one of them was in any way personally responsible for the situation.

Fortunately only one cousin is currently unemployed from his normal work & he works in a scheme they have which provides public money for work carried out in the community, gardening etc.


I also currently have three cousins in Australia & one in New Zealand.

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To answer your question yes they do, probably because all politicians from any country are a bunch of self serving duplicitous chancers who are out for number one.

The famous quote in Ireland on the subject is Bertie Aherns 'Well we all partied didn't we?'


I am Anglo Irish, father from Sheffield, mother from County Clare. My wife & I go over every year to visit my family. Going to a wedding in July.


There are 12 different households that I am related to & I can assure you that not one of them was in any way personally responsible for the situation.

Fortunately only one cousin is currently unemployed from his normal work & he works in a scheme they have which provides public money for work carried out in the community, gardening etc.


I also currently have three cousins in Australia & one in New Zealand.


How can you say that. The government spent money on services and infrastructure to benefit the whole population. The fact that the government couldn't afford it is irrelevant. Spending money is a great way of bribing an electorate to vote for you. Telling folks that services need to be cut isn't.

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If we owe Eire Xbillion and Eire owes us Xbillion why don't the sums just cancel out????


Usually it's because Irish company X, company Y and company Z all hold UK Government bonds.


UK company X, company Y and company Z all hold Irish Government bonds.


So you can't cancel it all out because a bunch of different people are all holding the government debt.

Not to mention that the Irish debt probably pays a greater interest rate than the UK debt because of the higher risk factor.

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Increasing numbers of the most able people see no future for themselves paying this money back all their lives and are sidestepping that responsibility by emigrating. This leaves an even larger debt burden to be repaid by and reduced number of less able people and will eventually fail.
Those leaving (young/able) are not those who racked up the mountain of (essentially property market-fuelled) debt in Ireland.


It is entirely fair that they should not carry the can for their elders, who are staying behind to atone for their pecuniary sins.


I know quite a number of them (both the young leavers and old stayers) and -as it happens!- am right in the middle of trying to headhunt a youg'un to come to Sheffield (please don't sidestep onto home-grown jobseekers either: we've been trying to recruit UK-wide for 4 months solid, and noone wants to come here, either because we don't and won't offer the London rate, or because "it's Sheffield" (make of that what you will)).

How can you say that. The government spent money on services and infrastructure to benefit the whole population.
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! Have you ever been? Genuine question.


The Irish Gvt's spending on "services and infrastructure" over the last 10 years makes the UK Gvt's spending on anything over the same period (including such benchmark-setters as the Millenium Dome, the Olympics, the odd cancelled aircraft carrier here or there and the aborted NHS ICT overhaul) look like a model of Japanese-like planned efficiency :D

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we've been trying to recruit UK-wide for 4 months solid, and noone wants to come here, either because we don't and won't offer the London rate


Some people really are quite thick.


I'm always surprised that people still can't figure out that 'London rate' doesn't in anyway cover the London cost of living.


Been to visit several friends and while they are living in 1 or 2 bed flats they're paying double what I do for a 3-bed detached place :loopy:

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I was just wondered who would pay off Ireland's massive debt mountain.


No one.


And they're not alone.


"Humanly Impossible for the U.S. to Ever Pay Off Its Debt"


And that was 2 years ago, when the debt was "only" $14,580,009,156,725.


It's now closer to £16,842,092,451,789.


The only reason the U.S. can stay "solvent" is that, according to Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke:


"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost."




What could possibly go wrong?

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