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Who owes Ireland's massive debt mountain?

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Some people really are quite thick.
Surprisingly so, considering I'm talking about Masters/PhD -level ;)

Culture of entitlement and all that :D

I'm always surprised that people still can't figure out that 'London rate' doesn't in anyway cover the London cost of living.


Been to visit several friends and while they are living in 1 or 2 bed flats they're paying double what I do for a 3-bed detached place :loopy:

This observation is actually quite prescient in the context of the thread: on the run up to the inevitability of 2008, it got to be more expensive to live in Dublin than London (and many other international 'hubs' long-held as "most expensive places to live").


We used to fly my mother-in-law over (Donny or EMA>Dublin) for babysitting duties when I had lengthy functions to attend with the Mrs. I kid you not. We had change left over from her flight + airport runs, compared to what it was going to cost us at the going babysitting rate.

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How can you say that. The government spent money on services and infrastructure to benefit the whole population. The fact that the government couldn't afford it is irrelevant. Spending money is a great way of bribing an electorate to vote for you. Telling folks that services need to be cut isn't.


So in what way EXACTLY are members of my family PERSONALLY responsible?


Just like citizens of all other western countries they do not have personal control of what the idiots in their Government do. In the same way that none of us was able to stop Gordon Brown selling off gold at the wrong time & further deregulating the banks they were not able to personally intervene in their lots moronic actions.


They, like most of us, went about their daily business. All of working age are employed. They live in decent houses but do not own villas in foreign parts & none of them went crackers borrowing huge amounts of money that they couldn't pay back.

The majority of people in Ireland behaved in the same way, it didn't stop the greedy & the corrupt ruining the country though. Normal ordinary people have little to no power, in any country.

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As explained in my last post which has now been deleted I do not know how this, or for that matter any, forum works. Tried to enter chatroom, told 'plug' required, system won't install, please send me a personal message if you wish to communicate with me.



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As explained in my last post which has now been deleted I do not know how this, or for that matter any, forum works. Tried to enter chatroom, told 'plug' required, system won't install, please send me a personal message if you wish to communicate with me.




No mjw47 :D he doesn't want you to go into the chatroom for a chat, he's saying in a round about fashion that he wants us to STFU! :hihi: and if we don't will continue to delete our posts.

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No mjw47 :D he doesn't want you to go into the chatroom for a chat, he's saying in a round about fashion that he wants us to STFU! :hihi: and if we don't will continue to delete our posts.


Thank you Arrr Sez I, for that insight into forum etiquette, as I explained the workings of this type of communication are relatively new to me. This is the only forum I have bothered posting on, although I do view 3 others.


When someone wishes to convey a point to another person wouldn't the simplest & politest way be to say it straight out? As in, 'look lads you are carrying this on a bit far now & if you don't desist I, with the power invested in me, will delete it all'.


That would have got the job done with no problem, rather than going ahead & doing it with no explanation & then alluding to it in a manner which went straight past my rather elderly non hip head. Do they still say hip :cool:.


Anyway, nice talking to you Arrr Sez I, even though I was extremely disappointed to learn you were not actually a pirate. :o

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When someone wishes to convey a point to another person wouldn't the simplest & politest way be to say it straight out? As in, 'look lads you are carrying this on a bit far now & if you don't desist I, with the power invested in me, will delete it all'.


That would have got the job done with no problem, rather than going ahead & doing it with no explanation & then alluding to it in a manner which went straight past my rather elderly non hip head. Do they still say hip :cool:.


I'm afraid it's far too easy to just shout CHATROOM that way! Sadly broken Britain is everywhere.

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This thread reminds me of that old Aussie joke:

Q: How do you know when a plane load of Pommies have arrived?

A: You can still hear the whining after they switch the engines off.


About eight years ago, My wife & I spent three weeks in Australia. During a conversation in a bar in Port Douglas with five Aussies, one of them referred to me as a Pommy. I replied that although I was in fact Anglo Irish, as I was there on an Irish passport I was probably more of a Paddy than a Pommy. He replied ' Ahh that's OK then, you Paddy's are alright'.

When I asked him what the difference was, he replied, 'Well, at least you Paddy Barstwards have a sense of humour.' His four companions agreed that that was the difference, my wife who is English but has been to Ireland over 40 times accepted that maybe they had a point.


Incidentally, if you cannot tell the difference between 'whining' & someone correcting someone on their lack of manners I would suggest that you desist in attempting to retort with a 'smart' retort. :).

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