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Who owes Ireland's massive debt mountain?

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About eight years ago, My wife & I spent three weeks in Australia. During a conversation in a bar in Port Douglas with five Aussies, one of them referred to me as a Pommy. I replied that although I was in fact Anglo Irish, as I was there on an Irish passport I was probably more of a Paddy than a Pommy. He replied ' Ahh that's OK then, you Paddy's are alright'.

When I asked him what the difference was, he replied, 'Well, at least you Paddy Barstwards have a sense of humour.' His four companions agreed that that was the difference, my wife who is English but has been to Ireland over 40 times accepted that maybe they had a point.



I think you could add to that that unlike the English, we Irish never generalise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My problem with the Irish is that you just can't trust them. They are very slippery. My source of this knowledge is the TV shows big fat gypsy weddings and Traveller Feuds starting on Monday night. Keep an eye on the Irish before they have their caravans parked in your garden. This is fact, just watch these tv shows for proof.

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My problem with the Irish is that you just can't trust them. They are very slippery. My source of this knowledge is the TV shows big fat gypsy weddings and Traveller Feuds starting on Monday night. Keep an eye on the Irish before they have their caravans parked in your garden. This is fact, just watch these tv shows for proof.


Very true & wise words indeed. In fact many traits are peculiar to, & virtually exclusive to, certain nationalities. Take loud mouthed drunken arrogant aggressive behavior whilst a guest in someone else's country for instance. The English almost have that copyrighted.


My wife & I have just returned from a holiday abroad in an excellent resort which caters mainly for couples, families & older people.


In eleven days the peace & tranquility of the place was only disturbed on three occasions, on all three the people involved were English. The English were by no means in the majority of the tourists staying in the resort.


The last occasion involved a party of thirty or so disembarking from a coach following a trip. They proceeded to shout at the top of their voices at each other despite the fact they were all gathered in a circle less than five or six yards apart. I was at least fifty yards away initially but could hear every word they said, including all the effing & blinding.

They then proceeded to stagger off in a group singing - inappropriately enough - 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' at full belt. It was 1-35 am in the morning & they were surrounded by hotels with young families & the elderly attempting to sleep.


As I said to my wife at the time 'Makes yer proud dunnit?' :)

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They then proceeded to stagger off in a group singing - inappropriately enough - 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' at full belt. It was 1-35 am in the morning & they were surrounded by hotels with young families & the elderly attempting to sleep.


1. Who doesn't like a good singalong to The Lion Sleeps Tonight? I know I do.


2. That's called having fun in a group on holiday mj, you should try it sometimes. It certainly cannot be compared in the slightest to the terribly aggressive antisocial asbo behaviour of the Irish people demonstrated clearly in the TV shows I mentioned. Watch them and you will be shocked at their bad attitudes and behaviour. The evidence is there for all to see.

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1. Who doesn't like a good singalong to The Lion Sleeps Tonight? I know I do.


2. That's called having fun in a group on holiday mj, you should try it sometimes. It certainly cannot be compared in the slightest to the terribly aggressive antisocial asbo behaviour of the Irish people demonstrated clearly in the TV shows I mentioned. Watch them and you will be shocked at their bad attitudes and behaviour. The evidence is there for all to see.


When did this kind of social selfishness and bad manners become acceptable?


What is 'fun' about displaying to the world a total lack of respect for other people?


Since when did others displaying bad manners become an excuse to display bad manners of your own?


What sort of example is being set for other young people?


Do you not cringe at the contempt others have for you, or is it just a total lack of self awareness?


English? Irish? Who cares. As far as others are concerned you're just ignorant British. Why should other British holidaymakers be made to feel ashamed of their fellow countrymen?

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When did this kind of social selfishness and bad manners become acceptable?


What is 'fun' about displaying to the world a total lack of respect for other people?


Since when did others displaying bad manners become an excuse to display bad manners of your own?


What sort of example is being set for other young people?


Do you not cringe at the contempt others have for you, or is it just a total lack of self awareness?


English? Irish? Who cares. As far as others are concerned you're just ignorant British. Why should other British holidaymakers be made to feel ashamed of their fellow countrymen?


Calm down Anna, it's only the internet and a holiday singalong.


Have you never been away with the girls in the sun and had a singalong? It's called having some fun. Honestly, I bet it's a barrel of laughs round your house.

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Calm down Anna, it's only the internet and a holiday singalong.


Have you never been away with the girls in the sun and had a singalong? It's called having some fun. Honestly, I bet it's a barrel of laughs round your house.


I remember when young lady's were demure .


Even in the sixties when the young took over everything we still gave up our seat on the bus to a woman and opened the door for her to pass through first this was always followed by a coy smile from behind a lace hanky.


Now when in the pub the most noise comes from the screaming lasses who seem to need to whoop at everything going.


Except the Irish who can swear for England.

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Anna B. cuttsie. The poster Arrr Sez I suffers under the delusion that he is an amusing person & posts what he considers to be humorous contentious posts in order to provoke a reaction. I like to play along with the charade & reply as though taking the whole thing seriously. This then results in an even dafter post from Arrr Sez I & it escalates from there.


Unfortunately, the only people who appear amused by this are Arrr Sez I & I. On the last occasion this happened a mod had a complete sense of humour failure & deleted a load of posts.


Apparently Arrr Sez I has not learned his lesson, he's a very naughty boy. :D

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My problem with the Irish is that you just can't trust them. They are very slippery.My source of this knowledge is the TV shows big fat gypsy weddings and Traveller Feuds starting on Monday night. Keep an eye on the Irish before they have their caravans parked in your garden. This is fact, just watch these tv shows for proof.
Would you wish all English people to be judged by those who appear on the Jeremy Kyle programme.
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