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Army cadets unable to wear uniform!

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{like troll city in here} ;)

Always pleasurable to be in good company ;):D

Would a closer analogy be niqab wearers being 'advised' to wear western clothes by their mosque leaders due to concerns for their personal safety?
In fairness, yes it would.


Does not detract from the point, nevertheless. If respect for the public authority (in general terms) has descended to such levels, then it may be time to start fixing this by legislation (PDF link, start at para.46 on page 39) indeed, and re-acquaint all and sundry with this weird notion of 'duty' as the oddly-required counterpart for the 'rights' they enjoy as subjects-citizens/residents.


IMHO the Woolwich murderers should hang for high treason (the last criminal act for which one could still receive a death sentence until surprisingly recently, 1998!), but that's not going to happen since the Treason act was watered down. For shame, as Osbourne could probably halve the country's deficit from the tax receipts on pay-per-view takings and pints sold.


I expect Shogun's comment was in relation to the risks associated with IRA activity BITD.

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That is missing the point altogether.


There should be respect for our officers whether Army or police and it all appears to have gone downhill.


There should be respect for everyone- the uniform doesn't make anyone more deserving of respect.The respect shown to a police officer should be that apportioned to the law not the person.

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Do you think it is wise to take these kinds of measures to calm a tense time or do you feel it is playing into the terrorists hands and giving them * false* power?


that's not the reason they killed poor Lee for tho, so no I don't, the troops are still in afganistan etc so no the terrorists haven't won, its just an added safeguard against wannabe copycats, harder to spot a target to attack

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There should be respect for everyone- the uniform doesn't make anyone more deserving of respect.The respect shown to a police officer should be that apportioned to the law not the person.


When a soldier salutes an officer he is showing respect for the Queens Commission not necessarily the man.

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Does not detract from the point, nevertheless. If respect for the public authority (in general terms) has descended to such levels, then it may be time to start fixing this by legislation and sentencing, if social mores will not do it anymore.


IMHO the Woolwich murderers should hang for high treason (the last criminal act for which one could still receive a death sentence until surprisingly recently, 1998!), but that's not going to happen since the Treason act was watered down.


I think in all probability the advice has been issued not necessarily following a risk assessment but 'just to be on the safe side'. What happened to Drummer Rigby was a terrible tragedy but physical attacks on soldiers by Islamists are not daily events thankfully.


I expect Shogun's comment was in relation to the risks associated with IRA activity BITD.

I suspect so, which means this advice has been relevant for at least 40 years.
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It's a good point L00b, but as yet I think it's only 'advice' that cadets have received from their employers, I don't think it's become a legislative matter!


Would a closer analogy be niqab wearers being 'advised' to wear western clothes by their mosque leaders due to concerns for their personal safety? {like troll city in here} ;)


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 13:08 ----------



Did that advice predate Muslim extremism in Britain, Shogun?


It was the IRA terrorists that were the main threat then.


---------- Post added 30-05-2013 at 13:32 ----------


When a soldier salutes an officer he is showing respect for the Queens Commission not necessarily the man.


You salute the uniform not the man.

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How this country has changed.

In the late 1960s it was a regular occurrence for soldiers to put on their N0.2 uniform on a Friday night and thumb it home for the weekend and do the same on a Sunday to return to camp.

People always stopped and gave us lifts.

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Yes I've seen the cadets walking up Barnsley road to Norborough hall.the thing is that half of the old 212 medics barracks there is now an islamic centre of some sort,they seem to get on together.

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