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Army cadets unable to wear uniform!

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My Son has been told that he is not to wear his Army cadet uniform when going to and from the barracks and can only wear it once safely inside and that this is for his own safety.


Surly what happened in Woolwich was an isolated incident by two nutters who have no place in society and that this kind of thing is not going to become the norm.


I am unsure how to feel about the non uniform policy currently in place and wondered what you people though about it?




Same happened with one of mine. Surely hiding away is the wrong way to tackle this issue.

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It is not just the IRA of the past and the Muslims of today. My cousin in the 70's got a good hiding whilst waiting for a bus into town at Middlewood in Cadets uniform.


His attackers was similar age (15) and local. He got beat up for being in the uniform!


I don't blame any youth for not wearing his uniform. There will always be someone out there who will pick on a person for being different and standing out.

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If you walk about in public with your uniform on you are taking a big risk,it's not about being proud to wear your uniform its a matter of common sense,these idiots and maniacs who wish to hurt us in our free country will stop at nothing,if you wear a uniform and say get in your car or go home in it they then know where you live what car you drive and that will make you and your family a target for anything,it's as simple as that,I was proud to wear my army uniform but I would not dream of walking about in public with it on, you really do put yourself at risk doing so whether it be a cadet uniform or an army uniform you will be seen by anyone who has a issue with what you represent .

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The CO is just doing his/her best to protect their cadets from jihadis.


I think we need to take a long look at this and put things into perspective?


There are a little over 300 deaths each year due to ''drowning or falling in the bathtub.''

8 people died after being ''stung by insects'' last year while 10 were killed in ''attacks by dogs and other animals.''


More than 3,600 people died in falls, including 50 who ''slipped on ice or snow'' and two were on “ice-skates, skis, roller-skates or skateboards”. €€


99 people were killed in ''falls from beds'', 52 in ''falls from chairs'' and 655 who ''fell down flights or stairs''. 13 died accidentally after ''falling off a cliff'', while 35 ''drowned in bathtubs''.


A girl and two elderly women were killed after being ''bitten by dogs'' while a further 7 people died after being “bitten or struck by other mammals”, likely to include cows and horses.


One man and one woman died after being “bitten or strung by nonvenomous insect” while 5 people suffered fatal “contact with hornets, wasps and bees” and another man was fatally stung by another venomous insect.




Whereas, there have only been 27 people killed by alleged jihadists on the one day - 7/7?

edit: 28 if we include Rigsby....


I think there may be a bit of over reaction here.. but then the myth of terrorism has to be maintained...... at any cost.

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