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Mark Bridger found guilty

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He should be killed just for his totally implausible defence story. How did any barrister agree to letting him present that pathetic attempt at damage limitation? Seriously, I think people given 'life' should be given the option of death.

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He should be killed just for his totally implausible defence story. How did any barrister agree to letting him present that pathetic attempt at damage limitation? Seriously, I think people given 'life' should be given the option of death.


Any "fees" in this case should be personally taken from whatever counsel told him that defense was a viable one.

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Just seen on news the guy who killed April jones has been sentenced to life

In prison with no chance of release ,please I know some people are against

The death sentence but when you think what he did to this poor child

Hanging must come back and quick why should tax payers pay for scum like him in prison who will get 3 meals a day watch tv play games. Money spent on him could go to better things ,this country's law is a joke


I used to be well up for bringing back the death penalty but these days i look at it differently.

To bring back the DP will certainly mean that eventually, at some point an innocent will be killed by the state. I think that price is far too high.

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How did any barrister agree to letting him present that pathetic attempt at damage limitation?

Any "fees" in this case should be personally taken from whatever counsel told him that defense was a viable one.
Are you done with your ill-informed legal types-bashing yet? :rolleyes:


Who says his counsel told him it was a viable defence at all?


Counsel does the best they can with what they are told and according to how they are instructed: they act on instructions from their client (however ludicrous they may be at time), not according to the best that they'd want to present regardless of what their client says.


Faced with an impossible case, they have a choice to recuse themselves or just do their job of defending the accused as they can until the inevitable verdict.


Make them personally liable for fees/costs as you suggest, and that will kill not only legal aid but also most forms of professional criminal defence in the UK, faster than any Gvt (currently mooted-) cuts and restrictions on accessibility to Justice ever could.

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He claimed he was drinking and ran her over - but there was no damage to the car and no trace amounts of alcohol (or bottles) were found.

he knows exactly what happened to that girl and he just won't say!




It's his last little bit of control isn't it? In the future he only has to mention that April might be here or might be there and the police will have to go running to the spot to check...

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Ian Brady all over again :(

You don't 'forget' burying a childs corpse, or burning their body, or whatever he may have done.


I don't know why someone didn't say to him at the beginning, that if he confessed to everything and lead police to the body and showed some remorse then maybe life wouldn't mean life.


He denied it all along, lied to everyone and now he'll die in prison.

I hope he dies a very old man, disowned by his family and alone in a small jail cell.

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I don't know why someone didn't say to him at the beginning, that if he confessed to everything and lead police to the body and showed some remorse then maybe life wouldn't mean life.
Why should any amount of leniency be offerred as a consequence of withholding this information? It's a dangerous precedent to affirm.


[rant]I don't know why they didn't just deprive of everything (food, sleep, basics (sheet/toilet roll/etc.)) until he confessed the location. And let him die in the process if it goes that far.[/rant] :evil:


Less rantily, IMHO he shouldn't be given anything (TV, papers, radio, books, etc.) to help him while away his days in prison, until he does so. No isolation until then, either :twisted:


If he's going to take it to the tomb like Hinley (and probably Brady), 'might as well save a bob or two to the Exchequer :evil:

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