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A bad experience with the police.

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It was specific, a guy stopped not searched, a guy searched.

They were in the same place at the same time doing the same thing.

(well actually not. the guy who wasn't searched didn't have a seatbelt on.)

so why search one and not the other?


Its very specific.

the principal of stop and search is not being questioned.

the difference between the two is colour apparently.

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My dear chap you entirely miss the point.


Black people get stopped and searched more because statistically they commit more crime.

Racial profiling is something that the UK police claim not to practice and which would actually be illegal under UK equality laws.

Are you saying that the police lie and that they break the law?

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This post reminded me of something very similar. Someone drove into my car on London Road near the Kebab shops. The driver wasn’t playing ball in giving me his (changed his surname twice) details so I had to call the police.


I asked a guy that was parked behind the guy that ran his car into mine if he would be a witness anyway he obliged gave me his details etc.


As soon as the police arrived the driver that ran into me suddenly became very responsive and gave me his full details.


The police officer spoke to us for less than a minute then turned his attention to the witness, first off he told him to move his car because he was parked in the bus lane fair enough (but his tone was very aggressive), then he proceeded to search him and the car! Whilst I looked on in shock. He didn’t find anything on him and the guy just parked his car over the road and then went into one of the shops.


This guy happened to be black and I cannot help feel that he was treated in this manner because of his race. I have never had any other occasion to deal with the police so for the first experience it was very worrying.


At the time I did not think to challenge what he was doing I had just been in an accident so was a bit shook up but the way the police officer went at this guy I was totally shocked.


The guy in question gave him some backchat (why do i have to) but only when he started searching his car - other than that he did everything the police officer asked him to do. I know that all police officers are not like this but very worrying that they can pick on someone like that.

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