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A bad experience with the police.

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Perhaps they had been advised to watch out for two guys,where the coloured guy was of interest and the other guy was not. It's often the case that they have a target description they are looking for - if it isn't your type,it's more difficult to explain it away legally.

I have a family member who types loads of statements where one guy in a car of multiple occupants has been pulled out and nicked or searched.


If its an issue - you really should act like a true friend and report it. If the police officer has a history of such behaviour it can be stopped,ignoring it just lets people get away with stuff and continues the rhetoric about the truth of what happens.

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To be 100% honest I don't care who gets stopped and searched as long as it makes this world safer for me and mine.

Things are only going to get worse not better,its time we stopped all this pussyfooting around and accepted it.

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To be 100% honest I don't care who gets stopped and searched as long as it makes this world safer for me and mine.

Things are only going to get worse not better,its time we stopped all this pussyfooting around and accepted it.


Accepted what? A police state?

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Well who is going to protect us .If you have nothing to hide why should you be worried.I seem to always get pulled aside at airports I could not care less its for my own protection..They don't do it enough in my opinion.

Like I said things are only going to get worse.

You mentioned police state not me.but if that's what it takes.

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Well who is going to protect us .If you have nothing to hide why should you be worried.I seem to always get pulled aside at airports I could not care less its for my own protection..They don't do it enough in my opinion.

Like I said things are only going to get worse.

You mentioned police state not me.but if that's what it takes.


Those who give up essential liberties for illusory safety shall reap neither liberty, nor safety.

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Well who is going to protect us .If you have nothing to hide why should you be worried.I seem to always get pulled aside at airports I could not care less its for my own protection..They don't do it enough in my opinion.

Like I said things are only going to get worse.

You mentioned police state not me.but if that's what it takes.


Have you seen the countries where such regimes exist nikita? They're hardly examples of democracy in action or a populace which is satisfied with its police service.


Imagine where you're sitting now, going about your business, upsetting no one and the police just decide to call on your property because they might find some evidence of criminality, how would you feel then? What if it happened weekly? What about if you have teenage kids and they're routinely harassed by the police whilst they walk to and from school/college?


How often do you travel by air and subject yourself to searches? By engaging in air travel we 'consent' to the procedures put in place to ensure our safety, but what you're suggesting is giving the police totally indiscriminate powers to interfere in our lives..Im often bemused by the people who say 'if you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear', as it's usually they who complain the loudest when those powers are implemented against them gratuitously.

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To be 100% honest I don't care who gets stopped and searched as long as it makes this world safer for me and mine.

Things are only going to get worse not better,its time we stopped all this pussyfooting around and accepted it.


So you'd be happy if the police took an irrational dislike to you, and harassed you, or worse?


What is it you feel that you need protecting from, and how do you think giving up the rights we all share would help you be protected?

What things are getting or going to get worse? And why do you think that you won't be on the end of the misuse of police powers that you seem to be suggesting is a good thing?

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I would have reacted the same as you mate. In fact I can't understand why the passenger was even spoken to???? you were the one without a belt on and you were the driver too. He shouldn't have been involved.





I will pop the 66 up to show you soon, I haven't forgot :-)


---------- Post added 31-05-2013 at 20:24 ----------


You feel so strong about it and cry on internet, but you Dont go and report them, UK needs people like you who stand up to right and wrongs


Read the posts, the lad doesn't want it reporting, and he would have to be the one making the complaint.

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