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Urgent help needed re Bailiffs

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There is nothing ridiculous and childish AT ALL about not opening another personal private mail, some things are PRIVATE to them and mail is one of them. I recently had a live saving operation and have several letters from the hospital coming to me about scans etc etc, I would be highly miffed off if someone else opened them regardless of whether we are in a relationship or not!




Goodness me, what kind of a relationship are you in when you keep your own mail private from each other ?

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Goodness me, what kind of a relationship are you in when you keep your own mail private from each other ?




My relationship is not in question here!


I am not going to justify why I do not open other peoples mail and should not have to either.


I guess you are one of those people who sits in the bath while your partner is taking a crap too?


Somethings are private and personal and mail is one of them.

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My relationship is not in question here!


I am not going to justify why I do not open other peoples mail and should not have to either.


I guess you are one of those people who sits in the bath while your partner is taking a crap too?


Somethings are private and personal and mail is one of them.



It can be a right pain in the ass this forum can't it :hihi:, their are some planks on here unfortunately whose sole purpose is to pick posts apart and tell you your life is wrong :hihi::hihi:



1st off, don't open the door to them anymore as you have been advised go out through the back door and make a recording, I would ask for the debt details from the council and from marstons, and get proof they are actual bailiffs tbh


2nd go to citizens advice bureau and give them all the info they may be able to contact the debt company and help with this situation.


3rd get onto the council and ask for proof of the debt or fine, when you receive it ring them up and tell they you have received a fine notice and tell them you want to pay it then, they should have to take payment then and their.


I'm pretty sure (but not 100%) that if you make an offer to repay debt then the company has to agree, if it is true then in essence marstons are out of look as you have made offers to repay, send a letter to them with a repayment plan you have offered it might clear it quick, they can ignore phone calls but much harder to get rid of a paper trail.


Make copies and recodings etc of everything

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My relationship is not in question here!


I am not going to justify why I do not open other peoples mail and should not have to either.


I guess you are one of those people who sits in the bath while your partner is taking a crap too?


Somethings are private and personal and mail is one of them.


In the bath? :hihi:




Interesting thread sort of.


Bit of advice though, for other people that are AWARE they are driving in a bus lane.


When you realise this, get out of the bus lane straight away, especially if there are mitigating circumstances.


Last year (Nov) I was driving down Langsett Road on my way to a customers. It was about noon, it had just finished piddling it down with rain.

The sun had come out so my visor was down.

As I passed MAPLINS there's a road sign that says Trams, buses & bikes ahead only, Everything else turn left.

Because I had my sun visor down and was struggling with the burning sun bouncing off the wet road I didn't see the sign, or that the road colour changed to GREEN (sun made the road glow white) I didn't notice any of this, road spray made driving challenging enough as it was.

It wasn't until I suddenly noticed I was driving along without any other traffic, I realised something wasn't right. I stopped and only then noticed the change in tarmac colour. Realising what had happened I span the van round in the road and flipped the visor back (sun now behind me).


Later on that day I phoned the council and explained in depth what had happened, they checked the CCTV and agreed I'd "knobbed up" hehe and said they could even see me swearing to myself whilst turning round.

I explained I didn't know the road layout in that area very well, and could provide my work schedule that I've not had many calls in the area over the past 5 years and based at the opposite side of the city.


They were VERY accommodating, and they finished off the conversation with "Do you realise how long you've been on the phone to us, don't you have a job to get to or something?". Thanks, bye for now :)


Problem is, if you don't know you're in a bus lane until it's too late to correct I suppose.




---------- Post added 03-06-2013 at 10:46 ----------



Make copies and recodings etc of everything




Emails & Letters are best for keeping records, if you phone them from a mobile, there are Android Apps (not sure about iphone) to record conversations.

Although a lot of companies announce all phone conversations are recorded it usually only refers to their own outgoing calls.

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I totally disagree.


Maybe why you're in this predicament now.


You're a cheeky git aren't you? I've been married 16 years and my husband and I wouldn't dream of opening each other's mail. Just one of those things we don't do. And I wouldn't think it was any of your business to tell us whether that's right or wrong.

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You're a cheeky git aren't you? I've been married 16 years and my husband and I wouldn't dream of opening each other's mail. Just one of those things we don't do. And I wouldn't think it was any of your business to tell us whether that's right or wrong.


Same here, I don't open my wife's mail and the theft act prohibits the opening of mail not explicitly addressed to you.

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You're a cheeky git aren't you? I've been married 16 years and my husband and I wouldn't dream of opening each other's mail. Just one of those things we don't do. And I wouldn't think it was any of your business to tell us whether that's right or wrong.


But if he worked away for a long periods (months) wouldn't you arrange to send him any mail he might have received? You never know..it may be important...


---------- Post added 03-06-2013 at 12:08 ----------


£600 for using a bus lane?


The punishment far outweighs the crime.



No. it's £30 for using the bus lane...it's £600 for not paying that...

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Goodness me, what kind of a relationship are you in when you keep your own mail private from each other ?


I also wouldn't dream of opening maol addressed to another person, including my partner, (even though he says I can.) It's just good manners.


He occasionally opens mine. I have nothing to hide, but it drives me mad.

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