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Urgent help needed re Bailiffs

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It is a good job no one is asking you to believe it then, I myself do not know how it has got to this stage but the point is that these Bailiffs are charging £200 per day in fee's and are not accepting a payment plan, how the hell is anyone meant to sort it out if the Bailiffs keep hanging up the phone and are not letting a payment arrangement be put in place?


The so called good advise on here is to ignore the bailiffs.

Perhaps the bailiffs are taking the same advise and are ignoring you.

You can't have it both ways.


You have proved to the bailiffs since last year that you are not prepared to pay so how can they trust you to adhere to a payment plan?


Its not difficult, pay your debts and the problem goes away.

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Assuming that the bailiffs actually have a real order from a court, they have no choice but to consider any real payment plan.

Given their behaviour and the apparent lack of any letters it's questionable whether the debt is even real and whether they are really acting as bailiffs, legally speaking.

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it's questionable whether the debt is even real and whether they are really acting as bailiffs, legally speaking.


More stupid opinions!


She has already said that her partner got a bus lane fine and thought he had paid it. Now a debt collection firm is after the money in his name for an unpaid bus lane fine plus costs.


Are you saying this is just one big coincidence? :rolleyes:

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last year my partner was caught driving in a bus lane in Sheffield city centre, he was fined £30 and thought he had paid it so thought no more about it.


How do you "think" you have paid something. I ALWAYS know if I have paid something and keep full records of all my transactions. Do you know why, because I'm a responsible professional human being who takes full accountability for my own life. If I were you alarm bells would now be ringing out very loudly, what else has your husband forgot to do? Pay the mortgage, the car payment, pick granny up from hospital? The mind boggles. You need to have a very stern word with your husband before it's too late.

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They are not Bailiffs they are just debt recovery scumbags who have no powers of entry to your property,a lot of people have got wise to these kind of companies and they are finding it increasingly hard to get money out of people,so they have started trying different ways of going about their shabby business.the only people that can force an entry into your property are the police and even then they have to have a warrant, court appointed bailiffs can enter your property if you invite them in or they can climb through an open window or an open door they are not allowed to force anything.they must have a court warrant to collect anything from you at all,there is a big difference between bailiffs and debt collectors.the worst ones to deal with are court appointed sheriffs they have a few more powers than the ordinary court bailiffs both of them still need a court warrant for them to take any action. what has happened in your case is the dept has be passed on to a debt collection agency who have probably sold it on to another bunch of debt collectors.the best thing is to ignore them any contact you make with them they will try and soft talk you into getting involved in some payment scheme and once you have signed to pay that money that is a binding contract then they can take you to court if you renege on any of the payments,do not pay them anything don't be intimidated by them as some of them can be very persuasive.for a court appointed bailiff to come to your house the case must have been to court and either the person did not attend court or judgment was not in their favour they will have been ordered by the court to pay the money if they have not payed it or kept up with the payments then the court orders the bailiffs to act.

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More useless advice from someone who seems to know very little about the law.


(and presumably also thinks that if you drive in a bus lane and are caught, and fined you should just ignore it!) :rolleyes:[/QU


Its nothing to do with the Law it it is advice in dealing with rogue debt collectors that I have been on the receiving end of.if the debt was paid in the first place they would not have had these people chasing them.everything I have put down is information freely available to anyone if you want to quote my anything I have stated feel free smart arse.:roll:


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 15:47 ----------




This from Sheffield City Council website indicates it is likely to be a bailliff not a debt collector.


That would mean that it must have not been paid then.

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