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Urgent help needed re Bailiffs

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Money is owed and has to be paid.


The quicker you sort it the better.


If these are the first visits from the bailiffs, you should be expecting to pay something around £200.

Where is their breakdown of the £403?


They are allowed to increase for repeat visits, but not at £200 per go.


The charges can get silly, once they have goods to recover & van charges etc. apply.

You don't appear to be at that point, yet.

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We just do not know what to do anymore, sheffield city council will not take the debt back and they have admitted sending in the Bailiff so I don't know if they are Bailiffs or not :(


Its up to what you do. all I can tell you is Marstons are not court appointed bailiffs at all. the only power they have is pester power.their usual MO is to bombard you with silly letters then they start with the phone calls at all different times of day.don't be intimidated by their smooth talking calls,don't give them any money at all,the council have washed their hands of it.so what usualy hapens is Marstons will pass it on to another bunch of pest if they dont get anywhere.

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Yes. Of course I have. I still can't get my head round how someone can't remember if they've paid a fine or not when it was only last year. Or how on earth they managed to miss all the stages up to the point where bailiffs are sent in.


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 19:00 ----------



Not quite sure why you're laughing when I'm on the same side as you.




This is what we are trying to figure out, we both lead very hectic lifes and he vaguely remembers buying a postal order and is not sure whether he asked me to post it off or whether he did it himself or whether neither of us did it :confused:


I am not say for one minute that the council failed to send any letters but I am saying that my other half did not get them for one reason or another. what I can be absolutely sure of is that in the last four months AT LEAST we have heard nothing because my other half has been working local and has been coming home most nights so would have picked his mail up.


The only thing we knew about this was the bailiff demanding over £400 then coming back the next day and demanding over £600 and saying he will come back on Monday where the bill will have gone up another £200 and will coninue to rise by £200 per visit and that he will come as many times as he feels like it and will not accept a payment plan.

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money is owed and has to be paid.


The quicker you sort it the better.


If these are the first visits from the bailiffs, you should be expecting to pay something around £200.

Where is their breakdown of the £403?


They are allowed to increase for repeat visits, but not at £200 per go.


The charges can get silly, once they have goods to recover & van charges etc. Apply.

You don't appear to be at that point, yet.

they are not bailiffs!!

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If they have OPs address as where her partner lives then the letters must have come there if indeed they had been sent. surely any mail addressed to him would have been kept till he got back or opened by OP. In our house whoever picks up the mail opens it whether it's addressed to them or not, there are no secrets here. Bit strange this thread

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If they have OPs address as where her partner lives then the letters must have come there if indeed they had been sent. surely any mail addressed to him would have been kept till he got back or opened by OP. In our house whoever picks up the mail opens it whether it's addressed to them or not, there are no secrets here. Bit strange this thread




Nothing strange about it at all, I would not dream of opening his personal mail unless he was expecting something and asked me to open it, can you imagine working away for four months and then coming home to all your mail laying waiting for you, it takes some getting through and life gets in the way and sometimes things get missed.


I have posted on here for advice and not to have my honesty questioned which I fond a little offensive, I expect to get some negativity but I did not find your comment helpful at all, in fact I found it a little rude.

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If they have OPs address as where her partner lives then the letters must have come there if indeed they had been sent. surely any mail addressed to him would have been kept till he got back or opened by OP. In our house whoever picks up the mail opens it whether it's addressed to them or not, there are no secrets here. Bit strange this thread


You just know that this one has experience with the bailiffs. Probably knows every trick in the book.

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Is this the number you're ringing?




Nope, it is a mobile phone number on one of the letters


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 19:15 ----------


You just know that this one has experience with the bailiffs. Probably knows every trick in the book.


Not quite sure what you mean?


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 19:16 ----------


Would it help if I tried to take a photo of the letters and upload it so you can see what has been said?

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Nope, it is a mobile phone number on one of the letters


It does say you can speak to an operator on that number on their website. Maybe they'd listen to you. It does seem odd that they're demanding the whole lot in one go, it's surely in their interests to get some of it now and a payment plan for the rest.

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