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Is Turkey heading towards becoming an Islamic state?

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Turkey is a beautiful, cultured country with lovely, hospitable people and a healthy, reasonable attitude towards religion.


I hate to see that changing. The atmosphere is shutting down and becoming more uneasy for foreigners. To the extent that friends who have been living their for years are selling up and moving out.


You mean bootiful :hihi:

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I hope that secularism can win in Turkey. It's one of the hopes of the Middle East.


If anyone cares about Islam and how it affects their lives, they too should be supporting Turkey. The example that Muslims can keep their religious differences out of each other's lives and build a stable nation must be an example to all.

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I hope that secularism can win in Turkey. It's one of the hopes of the Middle East.


If anyone cares about Islam and how it affects their lives, they too should be supporting Turkey. The example that Muslims can keep their religious differences out of each other's lives and build a stable nation must be an example to all.


It wont. The Islamists will win. As for "is Turkey becoming an Islamic state?" ... Yes, probably.

And in years to come the world will follow! :suspect: but no one seems to mind much :hihi:

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Whenever I visit Turkey I get the feeling that they are a nation that could easily change from the islamic religion, the normal people don't seem to be that religious as compared to some islamic countries I have visited.they are a country that faces the east but looks to the west,I think there are going to be some big changes there soon.We are due to go to Turkey next week so I hope its going to be OK when we go as I always enjoy going to Turkey and I like the Turkish people .

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Democracy involves going where the majority of people want to go.

If 98% of the Turkish populace want the hijab allowed in Government buildings, should we oppose them?

If a majority of the US electorate choose " one nation under God" rather than "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...." and Article VI which specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." and decide to set up a Christian United States, should we intervene?

In a conflict between "religion" and "democracy", whose side are we on if 90% of the people want religiom?

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It wont. The Islamists will win.

That's not a conclusion I share. It's still being fought. In Egypt, and in Libya, in Syria, in Turkey; all these are battles against theocracy. In Iran and Saudi Arabia it's yet to take root.


I have faith in people. Somehow.


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 14:54 ----------


In a conflict between "religion" and "democracy", whose side are we on if 90% of the people want religiom?

You've answered your own question. You'd be supporting religion.


Secularism is not ignoring the will of the people. It is protecting everyone against the will of the people. If 99.99% want to say prayers in Government meetings, it should still be kept out. Prayers and Islamic veils are for home, and for mosque.


Also, and this is fundamental - there is no bigger enemy to the religious than other religious people. Secularism is the only answer to the problem of religion and politics.

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It wont. The Islamists will win. As for "is Turkey becoming an Islamic state?" ... Yes, probably.

And in years to come the world will follow! :suspect: but no one seems to mind much :hihi:


People do mind but they wont speak openly for fear of being called racist or bigots by the idiots on the left.

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Democracy involves going where the majority of people want to go.

If 98% of the Turkish populace want the hijab allowed in Government buildings, should we oppose them?

If a majority of the US electorate choose " one nation under God" rather than "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...." and Article VI which specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." and decide to set up a Christian United States, should we intervene?

In a conflict between "religion" and "democracy", whose side are we on if 90% of the people want religiom?


But do 98% of the populace want it?


With Islam it seems a small minority of 'fanatics' can have a hugely disproportionate influence over what happens in a country.


Most people I know just want to get on quietly with their lives and seek the best outcome for their children. I see no reason to believe otherwise in Turkey. Unfortunately in Islam it seems certain people want to impose their own hardline views on others whether they like it or not.


The whole point of Ataturk's reforms were to get away from this. He saw it as holding the country back.

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