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Is Turkey heading towards becoming an Islamic state?

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Democracy involves going where the majority of people want to go.

If 98% of the Turkish populace want the hijab allowed in Government buildings, should we oppose them?

If a majority of the US electorate choose " one nation under God" rather than "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...." and Article VI which specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." and decide to set up a Christian United States, should we intervene?

In a conflict between "religion" and "democracy", whose side are we on if 90% of the people want religiom?

Modern democracy is not mob rule, it does not consist of just doing whatever the majority wants. Minority groups must be protected from the tyranny of the majority.


Secularism is vital for a modern functioning democracy, it is the only guarantee of religious freedom. The US founding fathers knew this, that's why they put stuff like that in the constitution, and thank god ;) for that.


It doesn't matter if 51% of the population or 99% of the population want a state religion and religious laws, it cannot be allowed to happen if all of the people are to have freedom, which is one of if not the highest principle/s of modern democracies.

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I'm not big on holiday destinations where there's rioting and serious danger. Call me a party pooper but I've never enjoyed being hit in the face with tear gas and water cannons.


Thats fine if you are going to Istanbul, we are going 500 miles from there next week and our friends there have told us life is going along as usual

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Thats fine if you are going to Istanbul, we are going 500 miles from there next week and our friends there have told us life is going along as usual


Its a massive country and a 12 hour trip from Istanbul to most of the tourists destinations.my mate Engin in Altinkum has just been on facebook he says its bussness as usual there. and 36 degrees :D

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I've just been watching a piece about the protests in Istanbul on Channel 4 news.


I cannot believe such a ham fisted news coverage. It told you absolutely nothing about what was really going on, and I doubt the average person watching it will be any the wiser. 10 minutes of film footage and talking heads yet they managed to tell you nothing you actually needed to know. This is becoming a very common occurance in mainstream media.


Now I know most informed people get their information from the internet, and this was a perfect example of why they should. But not everyone uses the net; the majority of older people still rely on the TV news. I find this extremely worrying as only an informed population can bring about change.

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Its a massive country and a 12 hour trip from Istanbul to most of the tourists destinations.my mate Engin in Altinkum has just been on facebook he says its bussness as usual there. and 36 degrees :D


Everywhere is peaceful before the terrorists strike. Luxor was rather nice the day before the terrorists massacred 62 folk there. They don't stick a timetable in the newspapers like a gig guide. Al Qaeda's world tour isn't publicised in advance.

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Everywhere is peaceful before the terrorists strike. Luxor was rather nice the day before the terrorists massacred 62 folk there. They don't stick a timetable in the newspapers like a gig guide. Al Qaeda's world tour isn't publicised in advance.


Anyone want to buy a cheap holiday in Turkey for two off me:shocked:

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Anyone want to buy a cheap holiday in Turkey for two off me:shocked:


I can't believe people are like, oh well, there's no danger in the part of Turkey I'm going to be on vacation. Oh really! You sure about that. I'd have little sympathy for someone who now goes to Turkey with full knowledge and then gets caught up in it. You can't help some people. Turkey should now be avoided.

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