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Why isn't there many human beings working in our station?

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I never buy tickets online for local journeys, I always pay cash. I might change my mind and wish to travel on a different day. I was also staying at a property without a PC.


I should be able to buy these tickets from a person at a counter. I shouldn't have to use a machine. I refuse to use them.


The station should ensure that people can buy a ticket from a member of staff and that they can do so in a reasonable time.


To be fair, it should be required by law. What's the point of having High Speed 2 to improve journey times, when you have to queue for 20 minutes or so to buy a bloody ticket.


Instead of HS2, we could make the same improvement to journey times by taking on a member of staff at a cost of under £20k per year.


---------- Post added 01-06-2013 at 11:43 ----------



I don't use them machines, they all want smashing up with a sledgehammer. Same with the ones in the supermarket. I'd pay on board the train if they offered off peak fares, which they should do when their ticket offices are so understaffed.


---------- Post added 01-06-2013 at 11:44 ----------



I don't use them machines on principle.


What principle is that? The principle of being a luddite? The principle of missing your train, or just the principle of being moaning git?


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 00:03 ----------


Quite agree Chemist, its like when you go to the supermarket and they say to you "would you like to use the fast lane and serve yourself".....i always tell them "no i wish to be served by someone", and on some occasions when i am that way inclined, i tell them "go and get some stock and i will fill the shelves up for you as well"......


Well done, you choose to spend time in a queue so that someone can scan items for you, way to show the man!


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 00:04 ----------


What websites?


What procedures?


The simple procedure is, walk into station and approach ticket staff, say "ey up", purchase ticket, board train.


It is not my fault that the station is understaffed.

It isn't. You simply refuse to use a machine to buy a ticket, whilst quite happily travelling on a machine to your destination.

The station needs to employ more people, and in Sheffield there are thousands upon thousands of people willing to work and wanting work.


The simple solution would be to employ more staff and improve the station and in turn customers journey times. The current service being offered is not fit for purpose. Or perhaps you think Sheffield might be better if staff are laid off and replaced with machines, and fares increased further above inflation.

Prices would have to go up just to satisfy you, no thanks, I like the machines.


---------- Post added 01-06-2013 at 15:14 ----------



Aye, some of the supermarkets are now a complete joke.


I quite often dump my shopping and leave when forced to use machines. Supermarkets also need to change their practices.


I'll have a chuckle about that every time I serve myself and leave with my food.


---------- Post added 02-06-2013 at 00:08 ----------


It can be to one's advantage sometimes. I can get the train from my station and travel 20 minutes without a ticket collecter checking tickets. I don't dodge paying,but I aint going hunting for a collecter. Saves me about £6.


Technically fare dodging. Although I'd actually agree that if there is no capability for you to purchase then they should be walking the train.


Not at all relevant to this thread though.

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I had to Tavel to Manchester 3 times last week at short notice.

I walked in to the station and bought a ticket from one of the 9 salesperson on duty. 9, I ask you.

I thought it was a bit much in these times of austerity but hey ho I received good service.

So really it's swings and roundabouts.

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