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Morality of the religious without faith

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Any direct answer to the question posed in the OP ?



You posed two. To the first: I don't know how they'd cope in the hypothetical & impossible circumstances you describe. How could anyone predict how they (all of them, including voodoo priests and animists) would cope is beyond me because there would have to be so many ways, all dependent on the individual and their cultural and social background, circumstances, etc etc.


The second question presents a false dichotomy. The answer is neither.

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You posed two. To the first: I don't know how they'd cope in the hypothetical & impossible circumstances you describe. How could anyone predict how they (all of them, including voodoo priests and animists) would cope is beyond me because there would have to be so many ways, all dependent on the individual and their cultural and social background, circumstances, etc etc.


The second question presents a false dichotomy. The answer is neither.


Why neither?


EDIT: It's not necessarily impossible, an event could take place, so horrific that all true Christians lose faith, although I very much doubt it

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What do you know about all Christians that leads you to that assumption? Interesting use of the word "true" in your post, too - are you preparing the ground for the "all true scotsmen" fallacy?


The answer to your second question in the OP is "neither" because not all people would react the same way. You're talking about all religious people (and christians in particular) as if they were a single individual. That's a fallacy.

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What do you know about all Christians that leads you to that assumption? Interesting use of the word "true" in your post, too - are you preparing the ground for the "all true scotsmen" fallacy?

I'm talking about the ones who refer to themselves as "true Christians", which is as open to interpretation as the foundations of their beliefs are. Typically "true Christians" (claim to) strictly adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments (teachings which, of course, are also open to interpretation)

The answer to your second question in the OP is "neither" because not all people would react the same way. You're talking about all religious people (and christians in particular) as if they were a single individual. That's a fallacy.


That's fair enough, so let's talk majorities. How do you think most would react?

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A claim that pops up now and again, made by theists, is that without the bible (Jesus' teachings, biblical parables and the 10 commandments) we would have no morals. This argument is easily dismissed but that's not the point...


Many atheists think that the world would be a better place without religion but if it were to happen immediately, would it be such a good thing?


Imagine those people (the ones who literally believe that without the Bible we would have no morals, not all theists) suddenly losing their faith and realising that their moral compass is based on nonsense, how would they cope?

Would they remain "moral" or would they decide they had wasted their lives subscribing to a load of guff, them go on a rampage (ie current movie "The Purge") ?


EDIT: I mention the Bible because I've only ever heard the morality claim from Christians


I think it would be like the stages of grief - denial, anger erm sleepy, happy, grumpy,dancer and prancer.


They'll probably carry on the basic teachings, alot of it could be construed as bobbins but the stuff like be nice, don't nick stuff that kind of thing will probably still happen. Christian aid do alot of good work but it's good and charitable first and Christian second. I think so anyway, I've only stuck a few quid in an envelope I've never called them out.


Some will just go bat **** - id reckon corners of the deep south could be like the last days of sodom and Gomorrah. First thing is to work through the whole denial thing first - which could take decades. I can't think of a situation where it could happen though really.

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