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Morality of the religious without faith

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You might want to take it up with your superiors then,


I don't need to, it's perfectly clear...


POR is the only guiding documentation for Scouting.


The Values of Scouting

As Scouts we are guided by these values



We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.



We have self respect and respect for others.



We support others and take care of the world in which we live.



We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes. [provided they exist of course]



The Promise can be made in various forms, including omitting the part to God if so desired as long as the Leader and GSL or DC agree.


For some reason I always thought you were an atheist, Obelix


I am. Provided that I am not avowedly atheist when acting as a Leader that is acceptable (ie it's the don't ask don't tell policy)

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I don't need to, it's perfectly clear...


POR is the only guiding documentation for Scouting.


The Values of Scouting

As Scouts we are guided by these values



We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.



We have self respect and respect for others.



We support others and take care of the world in which we live.



We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes. [provided they exist of course]

My bold, you seem to have added this part yourself. I can't see any side note allowing for not having faith and beliefs.

From your source...

The Scout Method

Scouting takes place when young people, in partnership with adults, work together based on the values of Scouting and:

 enjoy what they are doing and have fun

 take part in activities indoors and outdoors

 learn by doing

 share in spiritual reflection

 take responsibility and make choices

 undertake new and challenging activities

make and live by their Promise.

The Scout Promise

On my honour,

I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to The Queen,

to help other people

and to keep the Scout Law.


The Promise can be made in various forms, including omitting the part to God if so desired as long as the Leader and GSL or DC agree.

From your source..

Rule 1.1: Variations to the wording of the Promises

a. Scouting is open to all faiths and must therefore take account of the different religious obligations of its Members while upholding the essential spirit of the Promise.

b. In each Promise the phrase 'Duty to God' or, in the case of Beaver Scouts, 'to love God', is suitable for most faiths (including Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs).

c. Hindus may use either the words 'my Dharma' or 'God'.

d. Muslims may use the word 'Allah' in place of 'God'.

e. Buddhists should use only the words 'my Dharma'.

f. Muslims may use the phrase ‘In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful’ in place of ‘On my honour’ when making the Promise.

g. Where some other form of wording is required for a member of a particular faith or religion advice should be sought from Headquarters.

There don't seem to be any allowances made for atheism, just other religious beliefs.

I am. Provided that I am not avowedly atheist when acting as a Leader that is acceptable (ie it's the don't ask don't tell policy)


All the official documentation suggests you need to have a religious belief, I can't see anything that makes allowances for atheists.

You've already said that atheists are banned from being Scout leaders but that it's kind of alright, as long as you don't let anyone know.


It seems to me that it's just your opinion, rather than any official line, that religion is not a part of the Scouts. Unless you can show something that supports what you say.


---------- Post added 02-07-2013 at 10:12 ----------


Haven't the scouts been in the news recently for refusing entry to a boy who refused to swear to God. They've back tracked and changed their oath to allow it (after the national media got involved).


I haven't seen anything to suggest they've backtracked and changed anything.

George Pratt was the kid, not allowed to join because he didn't have any religious beliefs.

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Haven't the scouts been in the news recently for refusing entry to a boy who refused to swear to God. They've back tracked and changed their oath to allow it (after the national media got involved).
Yes that was a few months ago, and you had a lot to say on that matter on here at the time as I recall.



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I don't recall that I did actually, but a quick search should prove one of us wrong.


Edit - well, I did a search and I can't find a thread at all, so I'm pretty certain that if it exists, I didn't contribute.



They launched a consultation which would result in them back tracking. I don't know what the outcome has been or if the boy has been allowed to join without making an outdated hypocritical oath.


---------- Post added 03-07-2013 at 07:28 ----------


Yes that was a few months ago, and you had a lot to say on that matter on here at the time as I recall.





That's nothing to do with scouts... At least not in the area that I've contributed.


Ah, I see, it starts off being about scouts, but the title is nothing about them, and in the pages 4+ where I've joined in is nothing at all to do with them. My first contribution is about Religious Education in schools, and is defending the subject...

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