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Morality of the religious without faith

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I haven't made fun of the bible. In case you still don't understand...






Because we're not talking about holy books, we're talking about morality and faith. The question in the OP applies to anyone from any faith who makes the morality claim, again (in case you still don't get it) I've only ever heard this claim come from (some) Christians.




You're not annoying, just baffling as to why you'd keep humiliating yourself like this


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 22:56 ----------



It says in the OP they lose their faith


If "morality" applies to avoiding drugs and tobacco, not abusing alcohol, refraining from casual sex, not practicing buggery then more than likely devout Muslims are "moral" in that sense .


I can understand some of the problems that Muslin fathers with daughters are faced with living within an increasingly liberal, modern permissive society. Same applies to Christians of faith.




Are you a father with kids who are in the situation that they are subject to peer pressures?And how do you differentiate between morality and immorality ? Or is morality in your opinion a ridiculous idea whose time has passed ?


Ignoring some of the far fetched stories found in the bible is it all a load of "guff" (your description) or are there parts of it that can benefit a person to lead a better life?

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If "morality" applies to avoiding drugs and tobacco, not abusing alcohol, refraining from casual sex, not practicing buggery then more than likely devout Muslims are "moral" in that sense .


I can understand some of the problems that Muslin fathers with daughters are faced with living within an increasingly liberal, modern permissive society. Same applies to Christians of faith.




Are you a father with kids who are in the situation that they are subject to peer pressures?And how do you differentiate between morality and immorality ? Or is morality in your opinion a ridiculous idea whose time has passed ?

You still haven't bothered reading the OP have you?

A claim that pops up now and again, made by theists, is that without the bible (Jesus' teachings, biblical parables and the 10 commandments) we would have no morals.
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I haven't made fun of the bible. In case you still don't understand...



It says in the OP they lose their faith


Not disputing that in the slightest, only highlighting how unlikely a hypothesis it is, so the answers you seek will be correspondingly skewed.


But you have my answer in my post above; in short, not much would change, you might get the odd freakout, but the bulk of people would carry on as before.

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A claim that pops up now and again, made by theists, is that without the bible (Jesus' teachings, biblical parables and the 10 commandments) we would have no morals. This argument is easily dismissed but that's not the point...


Many atheists think that the world would be a better place without religion but if it were to happen immediately, would it be such a good thing?


Is that remove religion or the concept of religion from the mind? In other words, we "ban" religion but the concept still exists mentally? If it was removed mentally then the question is irrelevant as there would be nothing to ponder or compare.

The only way I could see a theist coping with a loss of faith is by replacing it with another faith...they're tenacious buggers you know. Saying that, there are ex theists, so it isn't something that isn't possible.

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Is that remove religion or the concept of religion from the mind? In other words, we "ban" religion but the concept still exists mentally? If it was removed mentally then the question is irrelevant as there would be nothing to ponder or compare.

The only way I could see a theist coping with a loss of faith is by replacing it with another faith...they're tenacious buggers you know. Saying that, there are ex theists, so it isn't something that isn't possible.


And if they do replace it with another faith... or whatever.. what's the problem with you if they did?

Should everybody be like ronthekekred and exist in a bubble of enlightened ecstasy by not "being a tenacious bugger" and having no faith at all


Do you consider yourself "superior, liberated and enlightened" by having no faith? You are just the opposite side of the same coin as a person who feels superior, liberated and enlightened because they suddenly found religious faith. It's so obvious it's downright funny



Only cows, goats, pigs and sheep are mindless enough to have no sense of a faith .

The human brain developed to the extent of being able to ponder the mysteries of our existence and why we're here and what, who (if anything) brought this about and since none of us have the faintest bloody clue about any of it, merely conjecture at best then it stands to reason that (since we're not all ditto heads) then we're afloat in a thousand different theories and always have been


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 23:40 ----------


I think you lit a fire under his belly. I think the Sioux did that to their flagging horses. :hihi:


What lights a fire in your belly? Scotch ,vodka, rum or a gin and orange.

I reckon it would be a gin and orange in your case :hihi:

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And if they do replace it with another faith... or whatever.. what's the problem with you if they did?

Should everybody be like ronthekekred and exist in a bubble of enlightened ecstasy by not "being a tenacious bugger" and having no faith at all


Do you consider yourself "superior, liberated and enlightened" by having no faith? You are just the opposite side of the same coin as a person who feels superior, liberated and enlightened because they suddenly found religious faith. It's so obvious it's downright funny



Only cows, goats, pigs and sheep are mindless enough to have no sense of a faith .

The human brain developed to the extent of being able to ponder the mysteries of our existence and why we're here and what, who (if anything) brought this about and since none of us have the faintest bloody clue about any of it, merely conjecture at best then it stands to reason that (since we're not all ditto heads) then we're afloat in a thousand different theories and always have been


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 23:40 ----------



What lights a fire in your belly? Scotch ,vodka, rum or a gin and orange.

I reckon it would be a gin and orange in your case :hihi:


Yes, funnily enough only in yours and a few others on here. I certainly don't feel liberated. I've never believed in the magical Jesus pixie, so nothing to be liberated from. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::rolleyes:

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Yes, funnily enough only in yours and a few others on here. I certainly don't feel liberated. I've never believed in the magical Jesus pixie, so nothing to be liberated from. :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::rolleyes:


But everyone should put their blind faith in you then and make you happy>


I know people of your mind set consider themselves superior and the rest superstitious savages.

Why, even Obelix demonstrated his superiority by using Latin here and there :hihi: MInd boggling


Get out of your stuffed shirts. You are not Ron the great enlightener. Like the rest of the herd you really know bugger all about J.C so you are not in a position to pass judgment

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But everyone should put their blind faith in you then and make you happy>


:huh:Not everyone knows me so how does that pan out?


I know people of your mind set consider themselves superior and the rest superstitious savages.


Well I wouldn't go as far as that exactly.



Why, even Obelix demonstrated his superiority by using Latin here and there :hihi: MInd boggling


Bit of knowledge just kills yer, dunnit. I can understand why you personally feel it's mind boggling though.


Get out of your stuffed shirts. You are not Ron the great enlightener. Like the rest of the herd you really know bugger all about J.C so you are not in a position to pass judgment


You been sniffing the wife's Lavender? You're such an angry little man when you get all stoked up.

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