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Number 10 rocked by secret love affair

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Normally I would agree, but politicians, especially those who espouse a certain lifestyle choice or "morality" should be subject to scrutiny if their private activities don't match this.


Such as John "Back to Basics" Major and his adulterous carrying on.


It's relevant.


Maybe, but to be honest I can't think of any permutation of sexual activity or deviance thereof, that hasn't actually already occured in political circles. No one resigns permanently anymore.


I can think of a lot worse things they get up to that really matter, and should bring the house down on their heads...... if we find out.

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I don't think that the fact that it isn't involving a front-bench MP makes it any less dangerous.


For example, what if someone who was responsible for advising/influencing policy was having an affair with someone who is responsible for content in the media?


You'd have a situation where anyone who found out could blackmail these politically exposed persons into influencing future government policy or media strategy.


Not that I know who they are talking about, I must add.

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