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People who feel the need to 'share' their music with their neighbours.

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I was on a bus and one guy had his music blaring away at the back - the bus was filled with elderly passengers mainly, I remonstrated with him as to why we were being forced to listen to his choice of music - he said it's a free country, I said well it's not very democratic, then the driver told him to turn it down, he did then gradually turned it up again - the driver stopped the bus and told him to turn it off or get off the bus, he turned it off and got on his mobile and started tell his mate what the driver had said.


I wonder how he would have liked it if someone had played operatics down his lugholes.

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As long as the speakers aren't cheap and crackly, I'm quite happy for people to play music loudly outside. I get the music but don't get the complaints. :) unless someone was playing somethig like death metal, I don't really mind.


As for the bus- they don't have entertainment licences, so can't have music playing (or so I heard)- if true, you are well within your rights to 'help' the driver and ask someone to turn it off.

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As long as the speakers aren't cheap and crackly, I'm quite happy for people to play music loudly outside. I get the music but don't get the complaints. :) unless someone was playing somethig like death metal, I don't really mind.


As for the bus- they don't have entertainment licences, so can't have music playing (or so I heard)- if true, you are well within your rights to 'help' the driver and ask someone to turn it off.


It's about choice. I chose to sit in my peaceful garden and read my book this morning. If (as used to happen) a neighbour had decided to play his music loudly outside, the peaceful ambience would have been ruined. Of course, there is nothing stopping anyone listening to loud music outside - they just need to use that great invention, headphones! ;)


I'd happily listen to a nice bit of swing, Sinatra or Ella at a gentle pitch. Unfortunately, the stuff that people play intrusively is never that genre.

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our neighbours used to, normally till like 4am on a Thursday or Friday when I get up at 6.30 for work, they got warnings off the housing association



anyway we've just moved 3 doors away from em :)

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I had a neighbour a number of years ago who frequently used to go out, come back drunk and suddenly deaf, loud music until 4am, I had to be up for work at 6am and however many times I went round to ask him to turn it down he ignored it. Until that is a neighbour from across the road came round and had a quite word...they put the house up for sale 2 weeks later and moved....good riddance. The Police used to come round (eventually) ask him to turn it down, when they'd gone he'd turn it back up......


I really feel for the poor sod who lives next to him now...

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I thought there was council phone number for that sort of thing. They want details, you provide times and date, what took place, and they will act.


I recently complained and they were onto it pronto and have all the powers they need to stop it.


Not so hard to solve really.

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It is not only neighbours,everywhere we go nowadays we have music imposed on us,ie in our surgery we have to listen to horrible lift music and when I complain am told that no one else has. After waiting in there listening to horrible music,squawking kids and having artificial light for twenty minutes or so,I always end up with a roaring migraine.


Please,please, turn it off.

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As long as the speakers aren't cheap and crackly, I'm quite happy for people to play music loudly outside. I get the music but don't get the complaints. :) unless someone was playing somethig like death metal, I don't really mind.


As for the bus- they don't have entertainment licences, so can't have music playing (or so I heard)- if true, you are well within your rights to 'help' the driver and ask someone to turn it off.


Have you tried: "So Sprach Zarathustra" at about 200 watts?


It's a good way of checking your speakers.

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