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Is University Worth It?

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i didnt go to Uni at all. i took an apprenticeship and a LOAD of travelling, a lifelong autodidact.

i had am amazing time as well. the money i earnt working allowed me to take a load of fascinating trips around the world.


the proudest moment for me was when my son at 16 said to me "dad i wont want to go to Uni. i want to train as a joiner"

it showed he had not been brainwashed by the schools to think uni was the only route.


he got to 20. was making 30k, considering starting his own business and had zero debt.


Society has convinced everyone that university is the path to riches. for a few thats true. for the rest its a lifetime of debt (or tax) to earn less than a decent bricklayer!



Society needs both though - there are jobs that you train for whilst doing them and earning, and some that you have to go to university.


University wasn't the path to riches for me, but it was the path into a job I enjoy and feel is worthwhile, and that I think society needs (or certainly wants people doing, anyway).

I can't build a wall though! :)

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