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Manufacturing is up..

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The bigger picture is that this Gvt's economical policies, implemented and in action awhile now, are visibly starting to bear fruit where economical growth is concerned.


Ever more 'benchmark' statistical indicators are turning, and staying, green, relative to 12+ months ago.


For that matter, not unexpectedly either (i.e. recognising same does not make it a glowing endorsement of the Gvt, but "credit due where credit is due" should be the benchmark of fairness).


i agree that credit should be given where it is due


the problem i have is with politicians of all hues who believe the credit should be given to them


maybe my earlier comment wasn't as clearly expressed as it could have been - to me the bigger picture isn't just about a few statistical indicators - it is about the effects the economic woes of the last five years or so have had on many people's real lives


i am genuinely pleased that things look as though they could be on a real upward trend, but it is at a high personal cost to many people whose lives will not recover as quickly as the statistics


i am not anti this government - i have issues with some of it's policies and philosophies as i did the last dozen or so i've survived, and no doubt will with the next however many i am lucky (if that is the right word) enough to live through - as i said in my first post on this topic - any small step in the right direction is good news

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the problem i have is with politicians of all hues who believe the credit should be given to them
A fair enough comment - although expectedly (surely!), noone will dispute that not much if anything was "put in motion" by the previous Gvt in the last few months and weeks of its tenure, that would be conductive of things improving now.


I'd sooner associate the improving UK m'facturing figures with 'cold hard factual' improving demand for GB products/services from the US and BRICs, and not that much to do with ConDem economic policies as such (except perhaps where monetary policy is concerned)...

maybe my earlier comment wasn't as clearly expressed as it could have been - to me the bigger picture isn't just about a few statistical indicators - it is about the effects the economic woes of the last five years or so have had on many people's real lives
...but that can't be laid at the feet of the politicians alone. From the left or the right. In this country least of (very-) many.
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A fair enough comment - although expectedly (surely!), noone will dispute that not much if anything was "put in motion" by the previous Gvt in the last few months and weeks of its tenure, that would be conductive of things improving now.


I'd sooner associate the improving UK m'facturing figures with 'cold hard factual' improving demand for GB products/services from the US and BRICs, and not that much to do with ConDem economic policies as such (except perhaps where monetary policy is concerned)...

...but that can't be laid at the feet of the politicians alone. From the left or the right. In this country least of (very-) many.


i'm not sure there's much argument that the last government did anything positive in its last few months in office


i'm all for a bit of inertia every now and then - politicians change things for the sake of changing things too often and usually not for the better - but i do accept that, when the house is falling down around you, putting the kettle on and opening a packet of custard creams is probably not the best thing to do


your last point hit the nail on the head though - there are almost as many external influences as there are governmental controls over the growth of the UK economy - I accept that internal demand is the biggest driver, but the state of overseas economies, relative exchange rates, and international competition have a significant bearing

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Yes, there's little point manufacturing and employment being up if unemployment is also up due to the population increasing faster than job creation.


Increased manufacturing does not always mean more jobs have been created. What it tends to mean is more profit for sharholders and business owners. Jobs usually come with full order books and only then, maybe. Overtime is likely to come first. And people who say cutting business taxes will create jobs ... well ... I've never heard anything more pathetic to be honest. It never has been nor will ever be the case, like before cutting business taxes just increases profit for sharholders and business owners.


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 05:33 ----------


Ask Mecky a question, he vanishes then :hihi:


And I'm not here for your beck and call.

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Increased manufacturing does not always mean more jobs have been created. What it tends to mean is more profit for sharholders and business owners. Jobs usually come with full order books and only then, maybe. Overtime is likely to come first. And people who say cutting business taxes will create jobs ... well ... I've never heard anything more pathetic to be honest. It never has been nor will ever be the case, like before cutting business taxes just increases profit for sharholders and business owners.



You are quite right that it doesn’t always mean higher employment, it might be just a coincidence that employment is also rising.


If shareholders and business make higher profits they pay more tax and have more money to spend and invest in other business which results in higher output and more jobs.

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Increased manufacturing does not always mean more jobs have been created. What it tends to mean is more profit for sharholders and business owners. Jobs usually come with full order books and only then, maybe. Overtime is likely to come first. And people who say cutting business taxes will create jobs ... well ... I've never heard anything more pathetic to be honest. It never has been nor will ever be the case, like before cutting business taxes just increases profit for sharholders and business owners.


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 05:33 ----------



And I'm not here for your beck and call.


Aww are the questions too hard for you?


Tell me, why do you think you are special and you shouldn't answer valid points raised, when you clearly expect everyone else to do so?

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