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Manufacturing is up..

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The problem is, most of them will not nail their colours to the wall when asked. All they will do is attack the government but fail to offer any alternative.


The obvious alternative was not to waste three years with policies that caused the economy to stagnate.


Make no mistake, growth was part of Osborne's plan. It didn't happen at anything approaching the rate required by plan A.


It's like burning the house down then seeking glory because you saved the garage.

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Perhaps we should take a leaf out of the books of Italy, Spain, France, Greece? .... oh, perhaps not.






This government - despite their incessant lies to the contrary - did not inherit an economy with problems nearly as severe as Italy, Spain or Greece. France I'm not so sure about, but merely being part of the Euro can't have helped.


The USA continued to spend to stimulate their economy at the time the Con/Dems got in. Our economy quickly contracted, while their's soon began to grow again, and now seems to be in much better shape than ours generally.


It is obviously a good thing that there are signs of recovery, but anyone taking this as evidence that Osbourne has done a good job is taking a very selective view of the facts.

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This government - despite their incessant lies to the contrary - did not inherit an economy with problems nearly as severe as Italy, Spain or Greece. France I'm not so sure about, but merely being part of the Euro can't have helped.


The USA continued to spend to stimulate their economy at the time the Con/Dems got in. Our economy quickly contracted, while their's soon began to grow again, and now seems to be in much better shape than ours generally.


It is obviously a good thing that there are signs of recovery, but anyone taking this as evidence that Osbourne has done a good job is taking a very selective view of the facts.


The UK's economy has pretty much mirrored that of the USA. http://tinyurl.com/kq5gx5o


America has almost entirely abandoned its stimulus and is now going for austerity. Thanks to the Republican efforts to cut their debt.

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Yes, there's little point manufacturing and employment being up if unemployment is also up due to the population increasing faster than job creation.


Also, due to improved procedures, fewer and fewer people are required in manufacturing.

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The UK's economy has pretty much mirrored that of the USA. http://tinyurl.com/kq5gx5o




How do you figure that? According to the chart which you yourself have linked, US GDP is considerably higher than it was in 2008 and climbing on a steep trajectory. Ours is lower than it was in 2008 and is climbing much more slowly.



America has almost entirely abandoned its stimulus and is now going for austerity. Thanks to the Republican efforts to cut their debt.


Obama said from the outset he would switch to cuts once the economy was moving in the right direction, which was pretty much labour's plan. The Republicans are forcing quicker cuts than he would like, but given that the credit crunch happened in their jurisidiction and on their watch, they don't have the credibility to run a corner shop.


Republicans dictating economic strategy is akin to putting the captain of the Costa Concordia in charge of international navigational policy.

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How do you figure that? According to the chart which you yourself have linked, US GDP is considerably higher than it was in 2008 and climbing on a steep trajectory. Ours is lower than it was in 2008 and is climbing much more slowly.


mirrored not the same :thumbsup: When the US economy goes up, so does the UK economy and likewise when the reverse is true.


Obama said from the outset he would switch to cuts once the economy was moving in the right direction, which was pretty much labour's plan. The Republicans are forcing quicker cuts than he would like, but given that the credit crunch happened in their jurisidiction and on their watch, they don't have the credibility to run a corner shop.


Republicans dictating economic strategy is akin to putting the captain of the Costa Concordia in charge of international navigational policy.


Republicans have dictated economic strategy in the USA, on and off, for years back to the time of ragan. There have been Democrats and Republicans alike at the helm in times of recession, so to liken them to a captain who will sink their economy is to ignore the facts. America has prospered and suffered when either of the political sides have been in power.

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The obvious alternative was not to waste three years with policies that caused the economy to stagnate.


Make no mistake, growth was part of Osborne's plan. It didn't happen at anything approaching the rate required by plan A.


It's like burning the house down then seeking glory because you saved the garage.


You do have a point but only if you assume that the untried alternative would have been any better.

France recently elected a socialist government who preached against cuts as a way of reducing their countries deficit. Sadly for them the result was an economy which plunged into recession at a time when our's emerged from it with our debt costing us less than 2%.


It seems with unemployment in several Eurozone countries exceeding 20%, and repayment interest on their debts topping 6% our measures aren't really doing too badly at all.


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 19:59 ----------


How do you figure that? According to the chart which you yourself have linked, US GDP is considerably higher than it was in 2008 and climbing on a steep trajectory. Ours is lower than it was in 2008 and is climbing much more slowly.




That would appear to be more to do with the rate UK GPD plummeted between 2007 and 2009 than the rate at which it has been rising since 2010.

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You do have a point but only if you assume that the untried alternative would have been any better.

France recently elected a socialist government who preached against cuts as a way of reducing their countries deficit. Sadly for them the result was an economy which plunged into recession at a time when our's emerged from it with our debt costing us less than 2%.


It seems with unemployment in several Eurozone countries exceeding 20%, and repayment interest on their debts topping 6% our measures aren't really doing too badly at all.


The untried alternative was intelligent targeted cuts, not hack and slash. The untried alternative was growth generating policy rather than trying to rely on the private sector to drive it.


France is as good an example as Osborne's performance on how not to deal with a recession. I'd never suggest we do what France has done. Cuts are imperative. I've always argued that.

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The untried alternative was intelligent targeted cuts, not hack and slash. The untried alternative was growth generating policy rather than trying to rely on the private sector to drive it.


France is as good an example as Osborne's performance on how not to deal with a recession. I'd never suggest we do what France has done. Cuts are imperative. I've always argued that.


Like I said an untried alternative. It is very easy to claim that a different strategy would have born better results. I just wonder why it was that if those pushing an alternative strategy are so good how did they run head long into the crisis and preside over a 6% drop in GDP over 18 months?

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