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Manufacturing is up..

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The thing is that news such as this is welcome but it Would be wrong to even consider it as the green shoots of recovery.


We still have suppressed interest rates. Inflation is still above target. Wages are not rising much. Unemployment is still stubbornly high. Underemployment is endemic. Osborne is running the biggest sustained year on year deficit ever. The financial sector is still largely insolvent. There are still massive threats from the Eurozone. It's not a pretty picture.

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Well, that's certainly quite some editing, since I last saw version 1.0 of your dummy-spitting post, and opted not to respond to it at the time.

I'm not wriggling at all. and it is obviously quite insolent to say something like that.
I'll simply refer you to your continued attempts, since your post #39, to create a argument about my first post, seemingly just to get the last word in (when there was not point to it whatsoever, since mine was only a side-issue/small remark). Then again, I was bashing the Gvt of the time, so this may explain that...

CDS didn't even exist until the 1990s. It is reasonable to suppose a product would be traded a lot more in the years after it came into existence than it was before it existed.
Correct, and that will probably explain why my post reads :

US sub-primes were traded en masse in the City to escape federal financial market oversight in the US, and trading of CDS increased 100-fold from 1998 to 2008.

So, despite the judgemental and all knowing tone of your previous two posts, some of your assertions are at best subjective, although you would probably go for a more accusatory word like 'disingenuous' yourself. Nice attempt at blinding me with pseudo knowledgable BS though. If it wasn't for google you might have even pulled it off!
From the above (previously-posted and to which you were replying), it looks like you're quite wrong. Again.

It is that same interminable tone of superiority which also betrays the fact that you are more intested in scoring points and appearing clever, than actually expressing an opinion which you hold with any conviction.
My opinion was expressed in my first post, which you chose to challenge, then you tried to build an invalid argument about it. I wasn't out to score points, still am not, I'm just defending my opinion and your needless attempts to twist my posts.


You're making yourself into a t1t in here all by yourself.

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