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Unemployment but do people want to work?

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Where on earth do you people get your figures? How much do think the unemployed actually get?


I have been forced to come off incapacity and am now on job-seekers, been on it a month and not a penny in sight. I now have a rent arrears bill even though I am borrowing money to pay part of it, along with my normal bills.


When I do start to get paid I will be receiving £71 per week, out of this I will have to pay £10 bedroom tax. £7 water rates , £5 community charge. also bus fare to the copious amount of interviews at the job-centre in town (even though there is 2 much nearer to me. under this regime. That is before any of my normal bills.


I don't drink, smoke or go out of an evening (last night out 17yrs ago), and luckily I cook from scratch so save money etc that way.


I have been looking for work and even been on a couple if interviews.


Trying to find full-time work nowadays is horrendous , and yes I need full-time as one doesn't get benefits to help with rent etc if you have no dependants and are working part-time.


Most jobs advertised are part-time min wage. One full-time one I went for an interview for wanted me to do 5 jobs for the min wage(I did report it the the job-centre, even they thought it outrageous).


So please tell where you think we unemployed have it easy? I'm not talking about those living with parents or baby mothers claiming whilst living with chaps working on the fiddle. Just average folk trying to survive. Please, because I would really love to know.


I hope you find a decent job soon Liza. I think anyone who has bothered to find out about benefits realises that people like yourself, with no dependent children and on basic JSA don't get much to live on. It looks as if part time work will bring some more income in future under Universal Credit if the explanations earlier in the thread are accurate. Hopefully that might help folk in your position.

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Where on earth do you people get your figures? How much do think the unemployed actually get?


I have been forced to come off incapacity and am now on job-seekers, been on it a month and not a penny in sight. I now have a rent arrears bill even though I am borrowing money to pay part of it, along with my normal bills.


When I do start to get paid I will be receiving £71 per week, out of this I will have to pay £10 bedroom tax. £7 water rates , £5 community charge. also bus fare to the copious amount of interviews at the job-centre in town (even though there is 2 much nearer to me. under this regime. That is before any of my normal bills.


I don't drink, smoke or go out of an evening (last night out 17yrs ago), and luckily I cook from scratch so save money etc that way.


I have been looking for work and even been on a couple if interviews.


Trying to find full-time work nowadays is horrendous , and yes I need full-time as one doesn't get benefits to help with rent etc if you have no dependants and are working part-time.


Most jobs advertised are part-time min wage. One full-time one I went for an interview for wanted me to do 5 jobs for the min wage(I did report it the the job-centre, even they thought it outrageous).


So please tell where you think we unemployed have it easy? I'm not talking about those living with parents or baby mothers claiming whilst living with chaps working on the fiddle. Just average folk trying to survive. Please, because I would really love to know.



It amazes me that some people still just don't get this Liza.


I imagine the problem will get worse as more and more kids come out of college to find there are very few decent jobs, and as more old people continue to work because they need the money their jobs aren't going to become vacant either.


It's a mess. It needs a radical rethink.

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I said all along that the tories were going to try and force people into work they cannot afford by removing the social safety nets for all benefits if they won the 2010 election and was shouted down by the usual rightwing thugs on here. Well, don't say you were never warned. It still astounds me that some people still propagate this nonsense of rightwing mentality despite if affecting them directly.


You say "force people into work" like it's a bad thing.


The only bit I'm not happy with would be if working caused a drop in income. Fortunately universal credit should ensure that won't happen.


---------- Post added 19-06-2013 at 07:21 ----------


Where on earth do you people get your figures? How much do think the unemployed actually get?


He got them from a TV show and specifically said that the example was for a family with 5 children.


Presumably he was including all their benefits, not just JSA that you've mentioned.

Do you not get your council tax bill paid for for example? How much is that worth.

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You say "force people into work" like it's a bad thing.


The only bit I'm not happy with would be if working caused a drop in income. Fortunately universal credit should ensure that won't happen.


---------- Post added 19-06-2013 at 07:21 ----------



He got them from a TV show and specifically said that the example was for a family with 5 children.


Presumably he was including all their benefits, not just JSA that you've mentioned.

Do you not get your council tax bill paid for for example? How much is that worth.


Forcing people to do things against their will has always been a bad thing. All it does is cause resentment which generally results in conflict.

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You say "force people into work" like it's a bad thing.


The only bit I'm not happy with would be if working caused a drop in income. Fortunately universal credit should ensure that won't happen.


---------- Post added 19-06-2013 at 07:21 ----------



He got them from a TV show and specifically said that the example was for a family with 5 children.


Presumably he was including all their benefits, not just JSA that you've mentioned.

Do you not get your council tax bill paid for for example? How much is that worth.



Yes I do get some council tax paid. So do all the folk popping over here from the EU whilst they look for jobs, but we can't moan about that can we? That would be racist :roll:

And "Really" you get your info from the tv? probably bbc a government channel. Well it must be right then.


The benefits system does need looking into, but not the way it is. Did you know that if you have a drug and drink addiction that you get disability and Atos have let those people stay on, whilst making others who are really sick start to look for work, and there is no help for them to make the transition. It's no wonder to date there have been over 3.500 deaths due to suicide or heart attacks caused by stress in less than a year since all this Atos crap started. But that should please the likes of yourself. over 3.500 less on benefits and a few more vacant council houses. To give to the good folk popping over from the EU.:loopy:

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Forcing people to do things against their will has always been a bad thing. All it does is cause resentment which generally results in conflict.


So we should up benifits and make work optional? Make it worth while for single folk and I'll be at the front of the queue.

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It amazes me that some people still just don't get this Liza.


I imagine the problem will get worse as more and more kids come out of college to find there are very few decent jobs, and as more old people continue to work because they need the money their jobs aren't going to become vacant either.


It's a mess. It needs a radical rethink.


Surely, it depends what they come out of college with?


During the past few weeks I've met Portuguese, Kosovan, Turkish and Phillipino workers all of whom are well-trained and highly qualified.


They are also well-paid.


There were no jobs going where they grew up, so they moved. There is no shortage of jobs for highly-skilled well-qualified people, but there is a shortage of jobs for unskilled untrained people and an even greater shortage of well-paid jobs for that group.

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Surely, it depends what they come out of college with?


During the past few weeks I've met Portuguese, Kosovan, Turkish and Phillipino workers all of whom are well-trained and highly qualified.


They are also well-paid.


There were no jobs going where they grew up, so they moved. There is no shortage of jobs for highly-skilled well-qualified people, but there is a shortage of jobs for unskilled untrained people and an even greater shortage of well-paid jobs for that group.




I have quite a few aquaintances who would tell you different. Advertise a job that pays well and expect to be inundated with replies from unemployed, highly-skilled, well-qualified people who have been looking for work for months if not years.


And a trawl round any call centre will turn up several graduates and well qualified people desperate to do the job they were trained for but having to earn a crust in the new factories of the 21st century.

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Surely, it depends what they come out of college with?


During the past few weeks I've met Portuguese, Kosovan, Turkish and Phillipino workers all of whom are well-trained and highly qualified.


They are also well-paid.


There were no jobs going where they grew up, so they moved. There is no shortage of jobs for highly-skilled well-qualified people, but there is a shortage of jobs for unskilled untrained people and an even greater shortage of well-paid jobs for that group.


There are numerous well qualified people with degrees, masters etc. working alongside A8 immigrants in the meat packing factories. At NMW doing manual labour. And in many other poorly paid industries requiring little/no skills/qualifications.

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Forcing people to do things against their will has always been a bad thing. All it does is cause resentment which generally results in conflict.


The fact that you're alive and the way the universe works forces everyone to do things 'against their will'. The universe has never felt that it owed anyone anything, food doesn't appear for free, shelter has to be worked for, etc... The modern benefits system and society in general makes this the most benevolent society that the world has ever seen.

Being 'forced' to work instead of other peoples taxes paying to keep you alive isn't really 'forcing', it's simply allowing nature to takes it course.


---------- Post added 20-06-2013 at 07:29 ----------


Yes I do get some council tax paid. So do all the folk popping over here from the EU whilst they look for jobs, but we can't moan about that can we? That would be racist :roll:

Really, you're going to try to blame the immigrants when I point out that you don't receive as little as you claimed.

And "Really" you get your info from the tv? probably bbc a government channel. Well it must be right then.

It's not my information, I was just repeating the source since you'd not bothered to read the thread.


The benefits system does need looking into, but not the way it is. Did you know that if you have a drug and drink addiction that you get disability and Atos have let those people stay on, whilst making others who are really sick start to look for work, and there is no help for them to make the transition. It's no wonder to date there have been over 3.500 deaths due to suicide or heart attacks caused by stress in less than a year since all this Atos crap started. But that should please the likes of yourself. over 3.500 less on benefits and a few more vacant council houses. To give to the good folk popping over from the EU.:loopy:

The likes of myself, what am I like then, do share.

You can also provide a link to back up that figure I assume?


FYI, these are the criteria for claiming council tax benefit;


EEA Nationals who have little prospect of finding work or becoming self sufficient may be considered an unnecessary burden and will not qualify for benefit.

EEA Nationals are nationals of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.



So the idea that an EU national can pop over and start claiming is incorrect.

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