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Unemployment but do people want to work?

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Minimum wage hasn't kept pace and this is all many of the jobs on offer are paying.


Get real. The wages of most working people in this country haven't kept up with inflation. Last year, according to the Office of National Statistics the average rise was 1.4%. In comparison the minimum wage increased by 2%.

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Here's evidence that a lot of unemployed people do want to work:






I'm sure there are lots of other examples out there of most people's willingness to work.


I also remember reading about how in the recession just gone, people in work were willing to forgo pay rises, work flexibly and job share just so they could be working.

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Get real. The wages of most working people in this country haven't kept up with inflation. Last year, according to the Office of National Statistics the average rise was 1.4%. In comparison the minimum wage increased by 2%.


That's what I just said. I used 'minimum wage' because I was meaning people at the lower end of the pay scale - the rich are doing very nicely thankyou, they simply don't have the same pressure just to keep bread on the table.


We have the highest inflation in Europe (according to the DM) and it's mainly in food stuffs and essentials. People on lower wages are really struggling and are finding it hard to manage.


There are a lot of people falling through the net, they might be working but don't qualify for any kind of help, (you usually have to have kids/dependents to get benefits like working tax credits.)


For them the situation is dire.

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I still find it amusing that the tories won the 1979 General Election with help from the Sachi and Sachi slogan, "Labour isn't working!" and then promptly put three and a half million on the dole ... before sticking the boot into them.

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That's what I just said. I used 'minimum wage' because I was meaning people at the lower end of the pay scale - the rich are doing very nicely thankyou, they simply don't have the same pressure just to keep bread on the table.


We have the highest inflation in Europe (according to the DM) and it's mainly in food stuffs and essentials. People on lower wages are really struggling and are finding it hard to manage.


There are a lot of people falling through the net, they might be working but don't qualify for any kind of help, (you usually have to have kids/dependents to get benefits like working tax credits.)


For them the situation is dire.


I think that's right Anna, if you have kids then you qualify for benefits that as a single male who only works 29 hours a week then I don't qualify for any tax credits etc.

I don't begrudge people with children getting extra help as kids are a fortune to maintan, but I'm scrimping and scraping for a holiday at the moment and in desperate need of a break. :(


One thing I don't understand though is how inflation is so low - my shopping and electricity bills have risen sharply over the last 2 years yet inflation is said to be low :confused:

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I think that's right Anna, if you have kids then you qualify for benefits that as a single male who only works 29 hours a week then I don't qualify for any tax credits etc.

I don't begrudge people with children getting extra help as kids are a fortune to maintan, but I'm scrimping and scraping for a holiday at the moment and in desperate need of a break. :(


One thing I don't understand though is how inflation is so low - my shopping and electricity bills have risen sharply over the last 2 years yet inflation is said to be low :confused:


Inflation is only said to be low as they only calculate it on a basket of goods (I think ! Please correct if wrong). I suspect the goods in the basket are not ones that have increased a lot recently, unlike the day to day stuff that people buy - also weren't power bills removed from the calculations recently ?

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