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Mentally ill or just plain evil?

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It seems like he was at school, I wonder why no-one noticed what was happening? And if they took him out of school, why was it never followed up?


There have been a couple of similar cases in Sheffield, did anything ever come out about their reasons for doing it? I mean, were they found to be mentally ill, or what?

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mental illness is not an excuse for this kind of crime and certainly not a legal one, in cases of temp insanity as a result of metal illness they are still prosecuted by the place in which they serve out their sentence is adjusted i think.


In this case i cant see mental illness holding much legal significance as it is clear from the texts that it was in some sense pre meditated abuse and not a case of one parent "snapping".


also mental illness and being evil are not something im comfortable with pairing together, having a mental illness does not make people commit these or any other types of acts. It is usually a string of events and circumstances that cultivate the person that is capable of these kinds of things.


My heart goes out to that poor little boy and i hope he has finally found some peace. And that the parents get the book thrown at them!

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Where was child services in all this. If the kid resembled a concentration camp victim, why where the parents not challenged?


This is another Baby P I think!


im wondering of it was due to him only being in nursery, there is no legal requirement to send your children to nursery so his being absent would not have been reason for them to visit to check on him. However if he was going to school daily then i agree something should have been picked up.

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