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Mentally ill or just plain evil?

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Ill take your warning, i wont read it.

Maybe im weak but i just cant bring myself to read more details about this horrific case.

I pity the poor jury and everyone else who have to sit through this and listen to all the gory details.

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There should be a warning on that article. It makes for very sad reading. To think his only source to food was at nursery & they ended up locking it away from him.


Another dismal case of people seeing the signs but nothing being done by those in a position to do something.

That teacher should have voiced her concerns more loudly and carried on voicing them and this might not have ended so tragically. She cocked up royally

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It's a bit too late for the teacher to be crying. She obviously knew things weren't right with the poor little kid, she should have been more insistent. And the headteacher should have kept more of an eye on things as well. It's maybe down to them being immigrants, people get worried about being accused of 'racisim' or 'xenophobia' probably.


He looks a great little kid, horrible fate to suffer. It makes you so mad! :(

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