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Parkrun - the perfect preseason training

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FREE weekly timed 5k run every Saturday at 9am. Perfect way to stay or get fit for the new season. Sheffield currently has 5 with a new manor parkrun in the near future. Register at any of these, print your barcode, turn up and run.











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Well...it's a great idea but I am going to raise some issues which may not please everyone. The numbers now involved in these running events are getting larger & larger. So many people charging through a public park is an accident waiting to happen. Some of the pathways are very narrow and there seems very little conscious effort from the runners to allow pedestrians to use the pathways at the same time, especially if you happen to be walking in the opposite direction as the runners. Many run about six abreast, barge past you, bump into you with their elbows, force you to veer off into park benches/trees etc and I've even seen an elderly lady walking her dog nearly get shoved into the pond in Endcliffe Park because so many were running abreast & wouldn't move over on the path to let her past.

I have pointed this out to the Volunteers manning the event & all they say is that they ask all runners to keep to the left & respect other park users.

Well...I can tell you most runners are not doing as they have been asked. I think it's just a matter of time before someone gets knocked over & hurt & it's about time the Powers That Be stepped in to make sure the event is managed safely for everyone using a public area. My comments are based on behavior of the Endcliffe Park Saturday Runners.

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i understand your concerns Spats. I am the event director for Hillsborough parkrun not Hallam parkrun but i will answer a little of your concerns.


Sheffield Hallam parkrun in Endcliffe park is a victim of its own success. rest assured the problems with numbers are being looked at by 'the powers that be' at parkrun HQ. risk assessments are carried out regularly and as you have been informed us event directors & our run directors make a point of telling runners its a RUN not a race and that they should make way for other park users in our pre run briefs.


The event is only there for 1hr each week, 8:45-9:45 so the effect on the park is minimal.


A parkrun event is run entirely by volunteers. sometimes it can be a struggle to get volunteers and marshalls have to be put on key points. perhaps you could help out one day? The event teams give back by volunteering on keeping the park clean as part of a deal to use the parks.


a parkrun has more pro's than con's in we are getting people together on a saturday morning and improving the health & fitness of the nation.


The other events like us at Hillsborough parkrun are a lot smaller and it would be best if new runners supported these events. We have had no problems or complaints at hillsborough, only praise for putting on a great friendly event and i know the other events are getting the same feedback. its only the numbers at Endcliffe that are the problem. Any other concerns contact SheffieldHallamOffice@parkrun.com


come down, get fit & meet new friends.

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It is a great initiative. The amount of extra business it brings into these parks must be sizeable. The cafes are really busy after the runs whereas before they`d be pretty much empty at 10am on a Saturday. Also they are a great stepping stone to encourage folk to be active and eventuallyto then enter a proper race.

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