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The UK Is Putting Young People Into Indentured Servitude.

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What makes me genuinely really angry is that burdening our children with more debt (on top of their student loans) to buy ridiculously expensive houses is seen as a solution to the problem of excessively expensive housing. I would have thought the lack of purchasing power should contribute to house prices declining or stagnating (relative to incomes), hence becoming affordable once again.

You would have thought that George Osborne would be ideologically predisposed to a market solution, wouldn't you? But apparently not. Why are houses too expensive in the UK? Too much debt. So what is George Osborne's solution for first time buyers unable to afford housing? Why, arrange for a government guaranteed scheme to burden our young people with even more debt! Why don't we call this policy by the name it really is, namely the indentured servitude of our young people.


Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/albert-edwards-blasts-uk-mortgage-subsidy-2013-6#ixzz2VFbWKsS5


Young people are being enslaved via property. They have been well and truly shafted. This does not bode well for the future of the UK. We need to end the slavery of the young now, else we will reap the consequences in the future.


We need to reward work, not rentierism.

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It is much easier and less stress to be a tenant. Not everyone needs to own their house.

It's like a car really. There are plenty of choices vis a vis public transport so not everyone needs there own car.

In fact I may start a thread along the lines of ' The government are not doing enough to enable everyone to own their own car'.

Repeat it ad nausium over a couple of years in various guises, have a tag line 'Sheffield,a city not on the move due to lack of affordable cars'

And see if it changes anything.

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It is much easier and less stress to be a tenant. Not everyone needs to own their house.

It's like a car really. There are plenty of choices vis a vis public transport so not everyone needs there own car.

In fact I may start a thread along the lines of ' The government are not doing enough to enable everyone to own their own car'.

Repeat it ad nausium over a couple of years in various guises, have a tag line 'Sheffield,a city not on the move due to lack of affordable cars'

And see if it changes anything.


Look at cars, people are forced to buy permission to drive off of private insurance companies, and young people have been priced out of driving.


Look at the 2nd hand car market, the scrappage scheme forced prices up, when they should have fell like they did after the dotcom bubble bust. These props to the market don't do society any favours, the feckless and idle are rewarded. This in turn destroys work incentives, and people who would otherwise be productive end up forced out of the labour market due to high effective taxation.


We need to end these subsidies to the insurance companies, banks, landowners etc. We need to have en environment where productive business and enterprise is rewarded. We need to bring the workless back into the rank of producer, and stop rewarding people who do not work and merely collect rents.

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Look at cars, people are forced to buy permission to drive off of private insurance companies, and young people have been priced out of driving.


Look at the 2nd hand car market, the scrappage scheme forced prices up, when they should have fell like they did after the dotcom bubble bust. These props to the market don't do society any favours, the feckless and idle are rewarded. This in turn destroys work incentives, and people who would otherwise be productive end up forced out of the labour market due to high effective taxation.


We need to end these subsidies to the insurance companies, banks, landowners etc. We need to have en environment where productive business and enterprise is rewarded. We need to bring the workless back into the rank of producer, and stop rewarding people who do not work and merely collect rents.


No, not convinced.

We don't need to own a house and we don't always need to own a car.

In fact by your reckoning, if we stopped buying houses and stopped buying cars the idle and feckless wouldnt be rewarded.

Problem solved.

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I remember when I bought my house. I was so relieved when I signed and the sinister government agents dressed in black took the gun away from my head.


I take it your mortgage was with Scottish Widows?


---------- Post added 04-06-2013 at 17:01 ----------


Look at cars, people are forced to buy permission to drive off of private insurance companies, and young people have been priced out of driving.


Look at the 2nd hand car market, the scrappage scheme forced prices up, when they should have fell like they did after the dotcom bubble bust. These props to the market don't do society any favours, the feckless and idle are rewarded. This in turn destroys work incentives, and people who would otherwise be productive end up forced out of the labour market due to high effective taxation.


We need to end these subsidies to the insurance companies, banks, landowners etc. We need to have en environment where productive business and enterprise is rewarded. We need to bring the workless back into the rank of producer, and stop rewarding people who do not work and merely collect rents.


I know its Monday, but chill out, have a pint, get laid, anything to get your mind off it.

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