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Calcified enlarged Appendix??

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Has anyone ever heard of this?


My Mother has been for a scan on her stomach today and the results have come back that her Appendix is four times the normal size and is diseased, it has also calcified and this is the only thing that is stopping the organ from bursting.


She is booked in to have an operation very soon but I cannot find any information on the interwebs about it and am wanting to know if this is serious or not and what it all means really :help:


These days its done via keyhole surgery in a fraction of the time it used to take and the recovery time is so much quicker

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My mother in law died after having her appendix removed. The appendix burst, she got septicemia and never regained consciousness. It can be a very dangerous condition. Hope everything goes well for your mum.


That would frighten the life out of me.

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