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Motorway middle-lane hoggers to face higher fines

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Originally Posted by PeteMorris

I once travelled the entire length of the M5 from Exeter to Birmingham in the middle lane. It's was a Christmas morning, and there was virtually nothing on the road.


OK, I may try that on Christmas morning on the M18 but use the southbound carriageway to travel north, that is of course if there is nothing coming the other way!

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Hahahaaha...I wonder how long it would take for someone to ask!


Simple really. So that I didn't 'have' to change lanes at all...the road was very very empty, but there were 'some' vehicles on there, and I was travelling quite quickly.....I suppose at the end of the day, it was because I could, without any problems!


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 12:06 ----------



That was my query too. It's very ill defined, and a bit wishy-washy!


If the road is very empty you should spend most of your time in the left lane, you were lucky there's nobody to enforce it yet.




It's a clear rule, you were taught it when you learned to drive.

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I hope this new law on tailgating applies to HGV drivers who are the worse culprits! The law on motorway 'undertaking' wants tightening up too as this seems to be on the increase.


I don't think I've ever been tailgaited as close as I have by HGV's.

Mind you I've never encountered the 'M25 Audi man'


Well......I suppose in an obtuse way, technically you're right. But wouldn't the definition of 'hogging' be 'actually causing a nuisance to other road users'?


That just makes it more subjective tho, the plod have to figure out (or wait) to see if someone who's sat in the middle lane is inconveniencing people.


There's been some interesting comments on the BBC website


I drive at 70mph on the motorways. I tend to stick to the middle lane as we have bigger vehicles on the left lane, and also slower vehicles. Sometimes, I have motorists coming right up my rear and flashing. Where do you want me to go at 70 mph? Slow down or speed up, then to the left? And then, since I follow the law and stay under 70, to the middle lane again? Why can't others follow the 70 limit


How many people have encountered this guy I wonder?


Sometimes when driving one gets stuck in the middle lane and cant get back over, ie when people are using the left lane as an over taking lane or there is a line of trucks or slow vehicles. Why dont the govt just be honest and say its another tax,oh and where are they finding the police to police this new fine or is it going to be from motorway big brother is watching you cameras?


I don't think I've ever been 'stuck' in a lane, unless traffic is at a standstill.

I have found myself in the middle lane for a couple of miles overtaking lorries and stuff.

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I hope this new law on tailgating applies to HGV drivers who are the worse culprits! The law on motorway 'undertaking' wants tightening up too as this seems to be on the increase.


Not wishing to condone undertaking, but if there is time and space to undertake then the vehicle being undertaken must be lane hogging.

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With regard to roundabouts. I hope the new law means that painted directions will be redone frequently. Many of the larger roundabouts are hard to negotiate simply because the lanes are no longer clearly route marked. It isn't always to do with lane discipline that you find you have to change.

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Originally Posted by PeteMorris

I once travelled the entire length of the M5 from Exeter to Birmingham in the middle lane. It's was a Christmas morning, and there was virtually nothing on the road.


OK, I may try that on Christmas morning on the M18 but use the southbound carriageway to travel north, that is of course if there is nothing coming the other way!


Ooooooh...Good luck with that little stunt then! :hihi:

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I don't think I've ever been 'stuck' in a lane, unless traffic is at a standstill.
What that quote mentions may well be a situation of insufficient space between cars/lorries/etc. in a moving queue of traffic, which prevent a safe return to the left lane. I.e., effectively, "serial tailgating" (since normal safety distances at motorway speeds would always be wide enough to allow safely reintegrating that lane). Watch the M1 South on the runup to the M18 turnoff at rush hour any day of the week for a shining example.


Happens all the time, on busy motorways as well as on single lane roads (preventing safe overtakes and creating traffic snakes); another bugbear of mine over here.


I can't say I've sufferred much from these though. Not at the speeds I usually travel at :twisted::D

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If the road is very empty you should spend most of your time in the left lane, you were lucky there's nobody to enforce it yet.




It's a clear rule, you were taught it when you learned to drive.


Well it was many years ago! :)


Do I take it, you're the shining example of being the perfect driver, and never broken any traffic rules? I'm not Mr Perfect. Occasionally, I do things wrong. But I've been driving for 40 years and never had an accident or a claim against me! But I ain't perfect.

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Well it was many years ago! :)


But I've been driving for 40 years and never had an accident or a claim against me! But I ain't perfect.

Bet you've seen plenty you've caused in your rear view mirror though ... ha, ha!!!

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Bet you've seen plenty you've caused in your rear view mirror though ... ha, ha!!!


Hahahaha....Actually no. Never caused an accident, and never had one!....You watch Murphy's law come to force on my way home tonight!...hahaha

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