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Motorway middle-lane hoggers to face higher fines

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If you can't make a simple lane change without slewing your car all over the place you shouldn't be on the road, it's really not that hard!!


I don't do as many motorway miles as I used to do, but when I do I travel at 70 mph.

If it's the night or for some other reason the motorway is empty, I will travel in the left hand lane.

If however, as per usual, the motorway is busy with the left lane full of lorrys doing 56 then I will stay in the middle lane, even if an opportunity opens up for me to get in the left lane for 30 seconds or so. Why ? Because I know I will have to fight my way out again when I catch up with the next lorry.

At the end of the day, who am I holding up ? People doing more than 70, so people who are choosing the break the law. I have no problem holding up and annoying law breakers.


The speed you or others are doing is irrelevant, you should move over to the left hand lane when there is sufficient space to do so.


It's idiots like you that this is aimed at, if you pay attention (I know it's hard) to the traffic around you then you very rarely have problems safely moving between lanes, even during busy periods.


I hope you get a ticket and the officer knocks you off your high horse - maybe then you will drive a little more considerately.

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I've seen signs saying that weaving from lane to lane is dangerous; seems ironic to then enforce "catch up to slower vehicle, move to middle lane, quickly cut back in and catch up to next, swing out and in again,,,,,,and so forth", meaning that you are weaving, or would be if you followed the same course on an empty road.


Weaving is when all three lanes are moving slowly and divvies switch from lane to lane at every opportunity overtaking and undertaking, there's a big difference between that and overtaking slower moving vehicles.

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I wonder how much distance between cars in the slow lane there has to be before you have to move into it. If you are in the middle lane and there is, say a 20 meter gap between slow drivers, are you liable to be fined for not moving into it for a second or two?

Where is the definitive line?

I think the whole thing is bloody stupid.

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I wonder how much distance between cars in the slow lane there has to be before you have to move into it. If you are in the middle lane and there is, say a 20 meter gap between slow drivers, are you liable to be fined for not moving into it for a second or two?

Where is the definitive line?

I think (the whole thing) THIS POST is bloody stupid.



You're on a wind up aren't you!

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I don't actually have a problem with people driving in the middle lane for as long as they want!....Providing:

1: They are travelling faster than vehicles on the inside lane

2: They are not causing a nuisance to others (backing up traffic)

3: They move over when or if traffic starts 'backing up'

4: They are completely 'aware' of other road users behind and in front.


Personally, I hate having to weave in an out of lanes...Overtake a slow moving lorry, and pull back into the inside lane, pull back out again to overtake another, pull back in again...I have tried it, and it's a complete pain and sometimes, downright dangerous.

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I don't actually have a problem with people driving in the middle lane for as long as they want!....Providing:

1: They are travelling faster than vehicles on the inside lane

2: They are not causing a nuisance to others (backing up traffic)

3: They move over when or if traffic starts 'backing up'

4: They are completely 'aware' of other road users behind and in front.


Yes, but those 4 points indicate someone who is driving with care and attention.


Since the drivers are due to be fined for 'Driving without due car and attention' it would indicate they sit in the middle lane and do not do of those points mentioned.


They are hopefully the people the police will single out and issue tickets to.

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I don't actually have a problem with people driving in the middle lane for as long as they want!....Providing:

1: They are travelling faster than vehicles on the inside lane

2: They are not causing a nuisance to others (backing up traffic)

3: They move over when or if traffic starts 'backing up'

4: They are completely 'aware' of other road users behind and in front.


Personally, I hate having to weave in an out of lanes...Overtake a slow moving lorry, and pull back into the inside lane, pull back out again to overtake another, pull back in again...I have tried it, and it's a complete pain and sometimes, downright dangerous.


I think on much the same lines, as soon as someone in the middle is being overtaken with space and time on their left, that's when they become a douchebag up until that point it didn't matter.


I'll sit in the middle lane for hours if its not going to be a bother to anyone

on an empty motorway ill even try and get apex lines across all three lanes but not when there are people coming behind me.

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