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Bercow says immigrants are better workers.

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I guess if they'd made the effort to travel to another country, they're already motivated people and not afraid of hard work.


That's a good point.


Immigrants by their nature tend to be self motivated and industrious, whether they be coming here or our own moving to other countries to work.


If the people who complain about immigrants 'taking our jobs' had the same attitude then immigrant workers would never get their foot through the employment door.

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That's a good point.


Immigrants by their nature tend to be self motivated and industrious, whether they be coming here or our own moving to other countries to work.


If the people who complain about immigrants 'taking our jobs' had the same attitude then immigrant workers would never get their foot through the employment door.


I know what you are saying boyfriday


next door to me is an Asian family with 2 unemployed adults "the mum and dad" and 7 children, and every other day they walk to the supermarket (0.3 miles) and carry all their shopping back, none of this online shopping delivery rubbish for the modern day slob.

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I can certainly agree with him to some extent, but I would have thought the attitude to your work and dedication is relative to the individual, and how they feel they are being treated by the company, what benefits they're getting from doing a good job etc. In my experiences I have tend to have found none British workers to be more dedicated to their work, mind you, not all of them are, by a long chalk.

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I know what you are saying boyfriday


next door to me is an Asian family with 2 unemployed adults "the mum and dad" and 7 children, and every other day they walk to the supermarket (0.3 miles) and carry all their shopping back, none of this online shopping delivery rubbish for the modern day slob.




Are you sure they weren't born here R_Kelly?


My (immigrant) grandmother always used to moan about the laziness of immigrant progeny..she believed they soon learn about indolence from the indigenous workshy ;)

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Weird that he gets a mention on here for apparently saying that those from other countries are better workers.

When Boris Johnson complained that the indigenous population are workshy a few weeks ago nobody batted an eyelid. And this from a man who described his £250,000 a year salary for writing an opinion piece in the Daily Telegraph every week as mere "chicken feed".

Ah Boris, you gotta love him :suspect:

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Are you sure they weren't born here R_Kelly?


My (immigrant) grandmother always used to moan about the laziness of immigrant progeny..she believed they soon learn about indolence from the indigenous workshy ;)


I don't think they are boyfriday, they have the strong Asian Bradford accent, the father is called "honest Rag" he claims disability benefit for a dodgy back, he often offers to do my guttering for "fifty quid my friend".

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Immigrants by their nature tend to be self motivated and industrious, whether they be coming here or our own moving to other countries to work.


That's my experience of them too. They think nothing of doing two jobs, working 12-14 hour days in order to send some money back home as well as live here.


The UK work ethic could learn a thing or two from this, but no doubt Chemist will say its slave labour!

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