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Televisions For Sale ?

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Why is there always an abundance of Televisions for sale ?


I don't understand why people buy a television, keep it for a short space of time then sell it on......why buy it in the first place if your not sure your going to keep it ?


My wife and I buy a good quality Television and keep it until it ceases to work, if it packs in and we get a quote for a repair and its not viable, then we consider replacing it.

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Because people upgrade? Simple as that- its like getting a new mobile, usually you won't NEED a new one- you WANT a new one, so you go out and get the newest model and sell your old one.

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TVs have become a bit like computers. An abundance of "new, improved newness" (better specs, new features, extra connections, processing engines and the like).


Between 1973 and about 1994, I (and my parents) had 2 televisions. The second one had some newer features (Teletext, NICAM stereo) but in most other regards, it wasn't that much different from the one we had in 1973.

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TVs have become a bit like are computers
Fixed it for you VB :D


Spot on. We have 4 LCD TVs in the house.


2 were new and the 'pinnacle' (for their size) about 5-6 years ago or so. 1 of these (Sharp Aquos 22") has Freeview in, the older one (LG, 23") not. Neither has a USB socket, smart features or such.


Our main TV is an LG LED TV, new and the 'pinnacle' (for its size, 47" and as a 2D set) about 2 years ago. Does plenty more than the above 2, and entry-levels smarts (DLNA-network player, BBC catch-up, Youtube, etc.)


Latest is a Samsung LED, new and the 'pinnacle' (for its size, 22") about 1 year ago. Does less than the above LG, but then again it's a smaller size and these have fewer features than 'flagship' sets anyway. Still plays absolutely everything I throw at it on a USB stick, slightly better than the 'big' LG as well (especially srt subs and 2nd language in mkv's)


I'm still a fair bit "old-school" & don't update the sets on a whim/because I just 'WANT' to (they only get updated if and when they fail)...but the product life-cycle is getting bewilderingly short and stupid. For people sensible to marketing hype à la mobile phones, I can see how that would be conductive of upgrading sets correspondingly often.


These days, a set that will set you back the wrong end of a grand or more will be 'technically obsolete' within 6 months (in light of the next set with improved compatibility, processor, this-that-the-other) and reduced down to half-price (retail) inside 12 months, having in the meantime been all but abandoned by its manufacturer as regards support for firmware updates etc. and -in many cases- even for spares to fix it!

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People might want a new telly if they move house, or redecorate/re-arrange as well.

The new smart TV's are pretty good, especially if you have LoveFilm or Netflix.


3D is a crock of **** tho, that just gives me a headache and looks rubbish.

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