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Emma West Pleads Guilty

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It would appear the fishwife Emma West has come to her senses and pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated public order offence at Croydon Crown Court.


You will recall this relates to her public ranting on a tube last year where she derided fellow passengers and used offensive language towards them as her toddler son witnessed her unsavoury behaviour. The poor child will never be placated by a golliwog again.


Here's a reminder..



Her trial was repeatedly delayed because she refused to accept a higher charge which she believed would have her branded a racist-which begs the question why are racists so reluctant in being described as such?!


It's claimed she became "greatly distressed" when the BNP & NF took up her cause sending her money and flowers..they must have been African Violets.


Many will believe Ms West has been victimised, but today it's been revealed she faced an assault charge on her partner whom she stabbed with an ornamental knife, she pleaded guilty to that and also assaulting the PC who was called to the incident.


The judge has said she'll receive a community penalty for all 3 charges, it sounds like she's escaped quite lightly.



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Strange how the BNP and EDL claim not to be racist but couldn't praise her highly enough when this video went 'global'. :(


Stuck record time :hihi:


---------- Post added 05-06-2013 at 17:21 ----------


It would appear the fishwife Emma West has come to her senses and pleaded guilty to a racially aggravated public order offence at Croydon Crown Court.


You will recall this relates to her public ranting on a tube last year where she derided fellow passengers and used offensive language towards them as her toddler son witnessed her unsavoury behaviour. The poor child will never be placated by a golliwog again.


Here's a reminder..



Her trial was repeatedly delayed because she refused to accept a higher charge which she believed would have her branded a racist-which begs the question why are racists so reluctant in being described as such?!


It's claimed she became "greatly distressed" when the BNP & NF took up her cause sending her money and flowers..they must have been African Violets.


Many will believe Ms West has been victimised, but today it's been revealed she faced an assault charge on her partner whom she stabbed with an ornamental knife, she pleaded guilty to that and also assaulting the PC who was called to the incident.


The judge has said she'll receive a community penalty for all 3 charges, it sounds like she's escaped quite lightly.




Not even with marmalade :hihi:

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This one must've passed me by....I'm sure that there was another recent one where the woman was effing and jeffing at an Eastern European man & she had a poppy in her lapel...Must be getting my racists mixed up.

What a dreadful way to behave in front of her child.

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I remember saying to a friend at the time, yeah her language was wrong but we only saw part of what really happened.

Something may have happened to make her kick off.

Unless she just went on one for no reason in which case she needs help and fast.

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I remember saying to a friend at the time, yeah her language was wrong but we only saw part of what really happened.

Something may have happened to make her kick off.

Unless she just went on one for no reason in which case she needs help and fast.


She's plead guilty and any mitigation on her part will be taken into account at sentencing.

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Something may have happened to make her kick off.


The BNP tried to claim that they had video of someone spitting at her before she kicked off, but they back-peddled very quickly when someone contacted the Met and told them that the BNP had evidence relevant to the incident. ;)

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