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Emma West Pleads Guilty

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It was meant as a jokey comment that's why I put the defence of preventing further abuse bit but forgot to put a smiley.


That makes perfect sense. Preventing further verbal abuse by physically assaulting someone. I guess it would be pretty difficult for her to open her mouth if it's filled with your fist, right?

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Haha..and what are your thoughts on the Muslims who abuse our homecoming soldiers and burn poppies? Have you advised their critics to 'grow a thicker skin', I'm sure you would if you came across one.


Cor blimey, you only need look in the mirror!






They are the enemy within, are my thoughts, what are yours.


Modest numerical calculations based on government statistics, wikileaks and media reports reveal that the British government spend a minimum £13+ billion a year from tax revenues on unproductive Muslims in the country. While the government is trying to create £12 billion in annual cuts by targeting the handicapped, elderly, and poor amongst it’s own citizens, they have ignored a group that is highly overrepresented above anyone else in welfare exploitation. Sweden appears to be gripped in a similar situation with the country drowning in Muslim related expenses.



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How come that website has lots of quotes styled to look like links, but that aren't? It's also a shame that they didn't quote the total welfare bill. If their argument is valid then there should be no problem in including that information, and in fact would probably be one of their best bits of evidence that there is a specific muslim issue.

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They are the enemy within, are my thoughts, what are yours.


Modest numerical calculations based on government statistics, wikileaks and media reports reveal that the British government spend a minimum £13+ billion a year from tax revenues on unproductive Muslims in the country. While the government is trying to create £12 billion in annual cuts by targeting the handicapped, elderly, and poor amongst it’s own citizens, they have ignored a group that is highly overrepresented above anyone else in welfare exploitation. Sweden appears to be gripped in a similar situation with the country drowning in Muslim related expenses.




My thoughts on Muslims who abuse our homecoming soldiers and burn poppies...utter tossers who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but then my skin isn't as thick as yours.


I'm not quite sure what your additional diatribe has to do with anything, especially the OP but perhaps you could start another thread to discuss those issues and whilst you're at it check out what revenues 'productive Muslims' generate in the UK (from some credible sources for a change)

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The murder of Drummer Rigby must have seemed like Christmas and birthday all come at once for the EDL. A British soldier, brutally murdered by home-grown Islamists and on British soil too. All their wishes come true at once. :(


However, three days later in Newcastle where the EDL and NF are relatively strong, they could only attract 1200-1500 people which is less than a half of what they were getting at the big Luton demos when they first started out.


They shout and scream about starting a race war, burning mosques and attacking Muslims but they are completely out of sync with the majority of British people who remember Lee Rigby with dignity and wish for community harmony rather than disharmony.


I would hope that even an EDL supporter would not look upon the murder of Mr Rigby in the manner you describe, I fear, however, you may be right. I equally hope that you are right regarding tolerance, I hope it is not really apathy.


The EDL or whatever right wing lunatic organization replaces it, has in fact all the ingredients it needs to be successful, racial tension, economic difficulty and poor leadership from established political parties.


If a charismatic leader emerges from the right, and terrorism such as Boston and Woolwich continue, judges hand down sentences that are too lenient we could be in for a shock.


Remember Mussolini and Hitler, Hitler was an itinerant landscape painter, nutty as a fruit cake, but he got elected.

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My thoughts on Muslims who abuse our homecoming soldiers and burn poppies...utter tossers who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but then my skin isn't as thick as yours.


I'm not quite sure what your additional diatribe has to do with anything, especially the OP but perhaps you could start another thread to discuss those issues and whilst you're at it check out what revenues 'productive Muslims' generate in the UK (from some credible sources for a change)


You put my quote up and the "diatribe" refers to part of it.

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and yet you say the people that murdered lee rigby should not go to jail :rolleyes:


I presume that whoever actually allegedly said that might have said that, as the Accused are obviously mentally disordered, that treatment in a mental health institution might be a better place for them"? (which is what might be the better option... As heinous and appalling as it is, what they are accused of doing actually is, and their actions (what they said, what they did) around the killing, really do sound more like the actions of someone who is mentally disordered (look at the jumbled speech and comments from the one who was captured on camera speaking) than someone genuinely evil.


Therefore, incarceration in a mental institution might be judged to be the more humane means of dealing with them.

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I presume that whoever actually allegedly said that might have said that, as the Accused are obviously mentally disordered, that treatment in a mental health institution might be a better place for them"? (which is what might be the better option... As heinous and appalling as it is, what they are accused of doing actually is, and their actions (what they said, what they did) around the killing, really do sound more like the actions of someone who is mentally disordered (look at the jumbled speech and comments from the one who was captured on camera speaking) than someone genuinely evil.


Therefore, incarceration in a mental institution might be judged to be the more humane means of dealing with them.


I think most people would agree that these jihadi murderers are sick in their minds and that jihadism is a mental sickness.


However this approach would have to cover all afflicted by the sickness, not just these murderers who acted on it.


Lock up all known jihadis for our and their protection and release them when and if a cure is found for this most insidious disease seems like a sensible plan.

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Sounds like some of you think that people that do bad things can’t responsible for their actions because of mental illness. The fast majority of people that do something bad do it because they want to, not because they are mentally ill, and Islamic jihadist are no different, they just have a different set of moral values and different believes to those people they choose to kill.

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Sounds like some of you think that people that do bad things can’t responsible for their actions because of mental illness. The fast majority of people that do something bad do it because they want to, not because they are mentally ill, and Islamic jihadist are no different, they just have a different set of moral values and different believes to those people they choose to kill.


How bizarre, how can you speak of the mental state of all jihadists?


Have you not considered that violent extremism has a certain appeal to people with psychopathic tendencies?

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