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Staff parking at Meadowhall

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My colleague started at 4am Friday, the barrier was locked down, he had to go wake up the security guard.


With all the traffic exiting onto Meadowhall Way from the customer car parks plus the staff car park at closing time and evening rush hour I guess it's going to take a while to get home at busier periods.

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Last year around christmas i was asked if i worked in meadowhall I said no to which a security guard said are you sure i said yes im sure im meeting my friend for breakfast whys it an issue. I was then asked again the following week i complained after that not been asked since. It would appear they didnt just ask me either

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When i worked at Debenhams 11 yrs ago, if on late shift you was allowed to fetch your car across from 5oclock when on your break.Or there was a mini bus to take you across.the driver took you to your car and waited to make sure you got started ok.Dont know if this still happens.But yes it isnt nice having to park so far away in the dark.

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The requirement for car parking for staff is bound to increase annually at Christmas. This should be a well rounded operation now after a decade. A security guard and a minibus should be adequate. If workers don't like it let locals who can walk to work have their jobs.

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Been told today at work that as from October all staff are to park in the coach park on a permanent basis, and will be issued with parking permits!! has anyone else heard about this? As i work at Argos end i'm not very happy!!!


This atrocity needs to be addressed ASAP. A general election is pending it may be worth a speculative letter to your MP to have this raised/addressed and written into a parliamentary law to prevent this outrageous situation occurring again.


On a serious note it could well be to allow paying customers to access the facilities and spend money within the shopping centre with a view to keeping it a viable business within a recession?


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