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Somalian Islamic centre in in Muswell Hill burned down.

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EDL and UAF have form for violence, could be either.


Except that EDL supporters have been laughing and joking about it all day on their facebook pages. :(


Not sure I've ever heard of UAF members attempting to burn any buildings though.

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To be fair dim as many of the EDL are this is not within their MO, and if rogue members had done it then hanging around to paint EDL on the premises while it burned seems very unlikely. As does returning to the scene in the morning to do that.


I think the perps will be caught rather quickly and I will be very surprised if they are anything to do with the EDL or any similar organisations.


It could have been anyone to be honest and they just sprayed EDL to try and criminalise them and force public opinion etc. Public opinion is everything.

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It could have been anyone to be honest and they just sprayed EDL to try and criminalise them and force public opinion etc. Public opinion is everything.


Somebody sprayed Islam on the Bomber Command war memorial, again could be anybody trying to create tension or implicate.

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Somebody sprayed Islam on the Bomber Command war memorial, again could be anybody trying to create tension or implicate.


That's right, but whatever the case maybe it was inevitable tensions were going to increase on boths sides and this has been the case for the last 30 years at least. Can you imagine what would happen if there were more muslims in the UK as Anjem Choudary said he wants?

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Are you serious?


Stirring up racial tension in the current situation is a good thing? :mad:


You're sick!


It has nothing to do with race, culture maybe, but definately not race which is the reason the BBC first decribed it as a racist attack and then thought better of it and changed their headline.

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It has nothing to do with race, culture maybe, but definately not race


I think you will find the the majority of EDL supporters who have been jailed in the past three years have been jailed for racially aggravated assault, racially aggravated harassment or other racially aggravated public order offences.

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I think you will find the the majority of EDL supporters who have been jailed in the past three years have been jailed for racially aggravated assault, racially aggravated harassment or other racially aggravated public order offences.


Facts or assumptions here?

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