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Good parenting?

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On my way home on the school run i happened by a women giving her kid a right telling off.

One of the darlings had tried to run across a main road and she was well annoyed, as i would have been. Anyway i heard her tell this lad, "you do it again and ill crack ya" and without hesitation he actually tried to run across the road again.

So true to her word she cracked him.

Now, i dont smack my kids, never have. I dont disagree with it when its done in the right way and for the right reasons but near this women was another couple of mothers and one had the nerve to shout "oy, you hit him again and ill hit you".

I sort of giggled a bit at the irony there but moving on, the first mum just ignored the gobby one and went on her way home.

Now, to me this parent did the right thing, she warned her kid, she told him it was incredibly dangerous and he still did it. The road isnt the busiest in the city but it has a fair bit of traffic on it at that time so he could quite easily have been killed.

What are your thoughts on this?

Even if you dont agree with smacking kids, do you agree that she did the right thing following through with the warning?

I always follow through with my kids when i lay down the law.

The sanction is never a smack, but i see too many parents use pointless and meaningless threats to their kids with no intention of ever carrying them out

Now i think this is more dangerous than smacking as the kids never learn boundaries

Also what do you think of the other parent?

The one who used threats of violence to another mum for disciplining her own child?


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It turned you into someone that thinks hitting kids is ok...


Is that better than someone who thinks using weasel words in a debate is OK?


There is a considerable difference between "hitting kids" and "reasonable chastisement"

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