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Good parenting?

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I wasn't using "weasel words" as you so nicely put it. There is a huge difference indeed - reasonable chastisement does not include hitting kids.


I was being serious with my previous comment - people who think it is ok to hit kids are usually kids that were hit themselves, and they cannot see the connection.


I called it weasel words beacuse that's what it was.


Reasonable chastisement has a specific meaning in law - and it does provide for striking children.


As for your last assertion I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to prove that.

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Of course, for it to work, all of this hinges on being actively/permanently/steadfastly interested in the development of your child, rather than what effectively amounts to situation-caused, ad hoc parenting (I'm sure you and most here know the type, and would suspect the mother in the OP was just that type).
Vindicated, by the look of things:

If you want me to be 100% specific then she actually said.

"ive ****ing told you about running into the road before. Your going to get yourself run over. DONT leave my side and DONT go near that road again. You do it again and ill crack ya"

Call me judgemental, but that speaks volume, unfortunately :(


Much as I agreed (in principle) with her course of action, I'd have had a thing or two to tell her about her language in front of kids just the same :mad:

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This i agree with.

She had 3 kids with her in total. The other 2 were around the same age and they seemed well behaved. I dont disagree with reasonable chastisement (sp?) but in her shoes id have kept hold of the child who was most likely to scarper.

Re your point about the age?

I dont agree with that. At 5 a child should be well aware of that type of danger.. If not then there are a few reasons why that could be the case but your average 5 year old should be aware roads can be a danger.


My eldest grandchild is 6, and although she understands that traffic can be a danger, I still ensure she holds my hand near busy roads or crossings. Likewise the four year old, and as its pretty rural where they live, they're not used to places like Hillsborough corner where you need eyes in the back of your head even when it's the right time for pedestrians to cross. :o


I almost got knocked down by a bike a couple of weeks ago as I was crossing Holme Lane. All the traffic had stopped as the lights were on red, but a cyclist came down Middlewood Rd towards Legends, didn't stop at the lights, but turned right (illegally) into Holme Lane. Another lady and I were very lucky we managed to avoid him. A child crossing on the 'green man' might not have the savvy to watch out for people who aren't obeying the traffic signals.

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