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Disgusted at stagecoach bus driver!!

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If i was looking at a car for sale i would take not less than 30 minutes,


I suspect this guy had been driving past the 'for sale' car every day for a while, was running ahead of schedule and thought 'I've got time to stop and have a wee look at it'.


No biggie! Leaving a bus with the motor running and passengers on is no biggie either. I've often seen buses at head stops with passengers onboard and the driver standing outside having a fag before the off, especially in the winter when the heaters need to be left working.

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you should have recorded this as soon as it happened, and when he got back shouted oi listen sunshine, I am paying your wages here with my day/week rider/single fare/fake disability bus pass and I did not say you could go and have a gander at a car, not get back in your cab and take me to my mansion at the bottom of dore you numpty!!!

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