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A new political system.

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As they won't try proportional representational.


Course no one wants too. You're talking major political re-organisation. That would be a disaster for your stock market which in turn would seriously damage an already fragile economy for a very long term. But dream on anyway :hihi:


Actually it's not a major reorganisation it's using the existing system to try and ensure the electorate gets listened to first.


The constituency forms a party to represent itself, this is allowed, I could form a party all it takes is some money and form filling.


The constituency then selects a candidate to represent it and votes for them in the next general election, hopefully electing them to office.


This MP is bound legally to represent the constituency if a percentage of the constituents express an opinion, which is basically the party whip, if they defy the whip they are hoiked out of office and a by election is held with a new candidate representing the constituency.


If the constituency doesn't say otherwise the MP can vote however they want on issues, they can even support one of the established parties, say labour for example, so 90% of the time they follow the labour party, but as the constituency elected them as it's representative, the constituency can override any labour party edicts it doesn't agree with.


You can substitute conservative, lib dem, green or any other party for labour and it still works.


The MP represents the people first and other interests second, all legal, all above board, all within the current rules.

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Actually it's not a major reorganisation it's using the existing system to try and ensure the electorate gets listened to first.


The constituency forms a party to represent itself, this is allowed, I could form a party all it takes is some money and form filling.


The constituency then selects a candidate to represent it and votes for them in the next general election, hopefully electing them to office.


This MP is bound legally to represent the constituency if a percentage of the constituents express an opinion, which is basically the party whip, if they defy the whip they are hoiked out of office and a by election is held with a new candidate representing the constituency.


If the constituency doesn't say otherwise the MP can vote however they want on issues, they can even support one of the established parties, say labour for example, so 90% of the time they follow the labour party, but as the constituency elected them as it's representative, the constituency can override any labour party edicts it doesn't agree with.


You can substitute conservative, lib dem, green or any other party for labour and it still works.


The MP represents the people first and other interests second, all legal, all above board, all within the current rules.


You're still going to end up with a parliament composed of numerous parties elected by numerous constutiencies each party with it's own particular political agenda in line with it's electorate's wishes.

As I've mentioned before just take a look at Israel. They cannot even agree on working together to reach a peace accord with the Palestinians and that's an issue involving Israel's future and national security. If a government is incapable of reaching a concenus on major issues at least then it's nothing more than a time wasting rabble

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Tonight's Panorama has once again exposed bent M.P's taking money for asking questions in Parliament.


It seems as though many of our fine upstanding Parliamentarians are at it by declaring themselves as consultants to any one who will pay them a couple of thousand pounds a month.


How many of our local M.P.'S have jumped on the bandwagon in the recent or distant past. This includes,

The trip to exotic places on fact finding exercises.


The little stroll across Westminster Bridge to pick up the brown envelope etc .


Is it time for change ! change that will bring true champions of the people to the forefront, People who will not be cheating the very people they are supposed to represent but who will be satisfied with the very generous salary and pension perks that they enjoy.

Perks that the ordinary voter can only dream about.


So the rich have been buying our upright MPs? I'd have never have thought it! I thought they worked for us. What a shocker!


Democracy?! What democracy? Get rid of the lot of them. Except Skinner.

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So the rich have been buying our upright MPs? I'd have never have thought it! I thought they worked for us. What a shocker!


Democracy?! What democracy? Get rid of the lot of them. Except Skinner.

John Mann the Worksop MP, seems to be honest and above board the same as Dennis Skinner.

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We get the politicians we vote for. Blind idiots on all side who vote one colour because "that's what we do" are to blame,


Not strictly true.


We get the politicians who are put in front of us by the selection committees, no matter what the colour.


We have no say in who goes on these candidate short lists of the major parties, and of course they select candidates who will deliver more of the same, follow the same agenda and not rock the boat. They chose candidates who represent the party, not the people.


Independants have very little chance of being elected unless they are already famous in some way, or have serious money behind them for a campaign.

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Tonight's Panorama has once again exposed bent M.P's taking money for asking questions in Parliament.


It seems as though many of our fine upstanding Parliamentarians are at it by declaring themselves as consultants to any one who will pay them a couple of thousand pounds a month.


How many of our local M.P.'S have jumped on the bandwagon in the recent or distant past. This includes,

The trip to exotic places on fact finding exercises.


The little stroll across Westminster Bridge to pick up the brown envelope etc .


Is it time for change ! change that will bring true champions of the people to the forefront, People who will not be cheating the very people they are supposed to represent but who will be satisfied with the very generous salary and pension perks that they enjoy.

Perks that the ordinary voter can only dream about.


No matter what system is put in place, some people will always look to abuse it

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No matter what system is put in place, some people will always look to abuse it



That of course is true but the annoying thing is that it is the usually the already richest members of our society [Lead by the public schoolboys] who are ripping the poorer people off.


They then start Media backed campaigns [which they own] blaming the working classes for the Country's ills .


The sad thing is that people who are comfortably off through having had a good education that has lead to jobs at the high end choose to ignore this fact and practise the I'm al right Jack head in the sand outlook.

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Not strictly true.


We get the politicians who are put in front of us by the selection committees, no matter what the colour.


We have no say in who goes on these candidate short lists of the major parties, and of course they select candidates who will deliver more of the same, follow the same agenda and not rock the boat. They chose candidates who represent the party, not the people.


Independants have very little chance of being elected unless they are already famous in some way, or have serious money behind them for a campaign.


We are all free to join a political party and take part in the selection process. I've read that it's a surprisingly small amount of people within the local party that actually decide upon who is going to represent them at the next election.

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That of course is true but the annoying thing is that it is the usually the already richest members of our society [Lead by the public schoolboys] who are ripping the poorer people off.


They then start Media backed campaigns [which they own] blaming the working classes for the Country's ills .


The sad thing is that people who are comfortably off through having had a good education that has lead to jobs at the high end choose to ignore this fact and practise the I'm al right Jack head in the sand outlook.


That chip's showing Cuttsie :) Are you seriously suggesting that people without a public school education (say some Labour Ex MP's for instance) don't abuse the system? Or is that somehow different?

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That chip's showing Cuttsie :) Are you seriously suggesting that people without a public school education (say some Labour Ex MP's for instance) don't abuse the system? Or is that somehow different?

Not suggesting that at all buddy The Sheffield socialists?????????;) have all shown their true colours over the last 30 years.[excluding Flannery and Maynard].

And then we get bloody "You will not get me in the House of Lords for all the tea in China" Prescott who sits there with the worst of the fiddlers.

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