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What to do in Liverpool for two nights?

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Just been reading this thread and always thought that Liverpool was a dump (hearsay & such) and just full of vagabonds and scallys. Is it really such a nice place to visit for a long weekend and safe, as just mentioned it to wife, as we are looking for somewhere a bit different to York.


I went a few years back and I had an image of blokes wearing curly black wigs with tash's going ach ach (Liverpudlian accent here) when I got there it was true - still makes me smile.


I think someone mentioned where the Bread series was filmed and the Sub.


The centre bits ok and there's some nice galleries but the surrounding areas leave a lot to be desired and there's some really rough neighbourhoods and you don't want to venture down into these as you may not make it out again.


You could always go on a tour with a local and nick a telly! ach ach!!:D

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It strikes me that there is an awful lot to see and do in Liverpool compared to, ooh... Sheffield for example, and that a conscious effort was made to change perceptions of the city from the "bread", Toxteth riots and Militant Tendency 1980's into somewhere people may actually want to visit. It seems to have reinvented itself.


I suppose it being named European Capital of Culture must have helped.

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You're right about the reinvention. They realised that tourism brings in money. Check out the photos on this gallery on the recent river festival:




And here's a list of other festivals and events coming up:




This is what's bothered me about Sheffield, they don't go to anywhere near as much effort to pull in visitors.

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Liverpool has always been like that though


We moved away in '81, and have therefore been visitors ever since. It was always noticeable how much more was going on, being advertised in the local paper etc than anywhere else we were living


It's not just about tourists. I think Scousers themselves enjoy these things in a way most 'locals' elsewhere only do on holiday

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