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Should we chase answers to questions?

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I'm often accused on here (and I admit, not wrongly) of constantly chasing people for answers to questions I've asked.


Now I see this as perfectly justifiable, if someone has made a claim and you ask them either a direct question or make a comment that requires further clarification about that claim then in my mind it is only polite to answer to the best of your ability.


What we seem to get instead, time and time again is posters who either ignore the question completely, dance around it without not actually giving an answer or by way of misdirection ask their own questions in response.


For my own part I always try to answer any question asked of me or if I don't know the answer either hazzard a guess (stating it is a guess and that I don't actually know) or simply say 'I don't know'.


So here is my question (not another one I here some of you cry!)


Is it wrong on a discussion forum when someone makes a claim and it is challenged to expect them to answer the question without deliberately sidestepping it? and if it's not wrong how far should one go in pursuing an answer from the person?

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As far as you want, on a thread, but stop short of pms, and working out their home address and going round - that can become harrassment.:hihi:


Seriously, I posted something a while ago and a complete twonk sent me an aggressive pm because he didn't concur. (He was also factually wrong by the way.)

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As far as you want, on a thread, but stop short of pms, and working out their home address and going round - that can become harrassment.:hihi:


*put's skeleton key away* :hihi:


No, I'd never send pm's or anything like that, but some people do get awful ratty at my persistence, hence the question.

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For my own part I always try to answer any question asked of me or if I don't know the answer either hazzard a guess (stating it is a guess and that I don't actually know) or simply say 'I don't know'.



Dont we all think we answer questions? But often the asker doesnt like your reply.

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Dont we all think we answer questions? But often the asker doesnt like your reply.


Maybe if the person actually replied it would make it easier to like/dislike it?


Do you really want me to repost the numerous questions I have asked you that you have ignored just to make this point? They're still on the appropriate threads if you'd care to answer them? Or maybe I could post them and this could become the beginning of the unanswered questions megathread!

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I used to get wound up about the odd poster not responding to questions and just continuing the same retorect but if they don't want to answer they don't have to. I put myself in their position and thought about why they should answer my carefully crafted questions. The answer I came up with is why should they? It's not a court of law or even s pub and if they want to ignore me - fair enough. If I keep banging on at them is it bullying? Whatever their view should they have to justify it with carefully selected links? It's nice when they do but I've given up harassing folk now (not that I did much anyway) - life's too short.

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Always find it easier to listen to other peoples opinions, take it how you want whether you agree or disagree, then put your own argument across.


For me this is far less stressful, as most people are arrogant or ignorant and will never admit they are in the wrong.


If you want answers to important questions, it's often better to do your own research, using reliable sources for your own answers. What you learn can then be conveyed in debate.

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I used to get wound up about the odd poster not responding to questions and just continuing the same retorect but if they don't want to answer they don't have to. I put myself in their position and thought about why they should answer my carefully crafted questions. The answer I came up with is why should they? It's not a court of law or even s pub and if they want to ignore me - fair enough. If I keep banging on at them is it bullying? Whatever their view should they have to justify it with carefully selected links? It's nice when they do but I've given up harassing folk now (not that I did much anyway) - life's too short.


Thankyou, I've been leaning this way too which is one of the reasons I posted the question.


I'm still in two minds though, my difficulty is if people don't want to come here to discuss, only to give their views and not respond to questioning/criticism of those views then I might as well just read blogs where those views are present.


I'm seriously considering just leaving S/F (apart from to post on topics where I can be of assistance rather than debating on here) because I really can't see any reason in being on a discussion forum if people don't want to discuss.


I've already stopped posting on certain topics because of it, and I'm really not sure what to do - I enjoy it here when a debate gets going but think I'm wasting my time (of which I have little anyway) when this difficulty presents itself. What should I do?


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 18:44 ----------


Always find it easier to listen to other peoples opinions, take it how you want whether you agree or disagree, then put your own argument across.


For me this is far less stressful, as most people are arrogant or ignorant and will never admit they are in the wrong.


If you want answers to important questions, it's often better to do your own research, using reliable sources for your own answers. What you learn can then be conveyed in debate.


Not on here, that's the difficulty I'm having!


I think you're right with the people not admitting they are wrong. I wish they would, or at least just say 'I don't know', the problem with that is the things I question are often tied to their belief system rather more than their opinion and I can see that for some people looking too deeply into that system could turn their whole world upside down - which to me begs the question why do they believe it in the first place?

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What absolute proof would satisfy a persons desire for an answer. Many questions don't have a definitive answer do they because the subject doesn't allow for one or, they have two, yours and theirs. I don't believe it's always as simple as you ask they answer, not always.

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