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Should we chase answers to questions?

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Sometimes people ignore your questions or your posts altogether, that's just life on the internet. If someone doesn't want to respond to you they don't have to.


I have noticed you doing this, I do it myself sometimes too. And sometimes it comes across as little patronising, as if the thread and the discussion were yours to control, as if were your own personal question and answer session with whoever you happen to be arguing with at the time.


It's frustrating when people ignore your substantive points or questions and instead choose to only respond to other weaker versions of your argument put forward by other posters but who are we to demand they listen to us?




Sometimes people have different opinions.

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Almost 2000 posts in a year - you've way too much time on your hands :P


This is SF. It's a loathsome place filled with loathsome opinions. It used to be so much fun, but over the past years it's seen a serious decline (I only post on the business forum now - I only posted here because your post was interesting).


But, why do you care? Of all the people on here, not being moved by the opinions (or lack thereof), you should be the one least moved by the opinions of others. Mindfullness and all that!


Very rarely do I get to the opinions of others beyond a very gross level, most of the time I try to ask questions that try to take the debate to a level where we can all look from a different perspective, but it takes two to tango...


Very often (as is the case with El Cid) despite disagreeing on the gross level I wouldn't actually, as some posters have, say they are fundamentally wrong in that view, I just want to try to understand it more.


On the occasions when I do think someone is fundamentally wrong I ask questions of their own claims, but their beliefs are theirs to hold whether I agree or not!

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On the occasions when I do think someone is fundamentally wrong I ask questions of their own claims, but their beliefs are theirs to hold whether I agree or not!


This is what you did with me in a thread... But you came across confrontational, and instead of disagreeing with me and putting your point across (which would have lead to better debate) you tried putting me on the spot to explain myself, I shouldn't have to explain myself, I have my own views through educating myself on subjects. I shouldn't have to dig out information for you to back up my points on request.


If you are against what I say, then debate your point and put across your own information to back up your claim. It is lazy to disagree then point the finger demanding answers, which is why you got no response from me.

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I don't know about others but I'm not after absolute proof of anything. Just specific answers to specific questions which will allow the debate to reach a subtle level. Too many debates on here stick to black/white us/them.


It seems to me that if you appreciate specific answers to specific questions then it needs to be that way.


I often have a point of view on a subject with no real conviction or might even put forward the good and the bad points, my answers wouldn't necessarily help your passion for specifics but I still can enjoy the debate.

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Very rarely do I get to the opinions of others beyond a very gross level, most of the time I try to ask questions that try to take the debate to a level where we can all look from a different perspective, but it takes two to tango...


Very often (as is the case with El Cid) despite disagreeing on the gross level I wouldn't actually, as some posters have, say they are fundamentally wrong in that view, I just want to try to understand it more.


On the occasions when I do think someone is fundamentally wrong I ask questions of their own claims, but their beliefs are theirs to hold whether I agree or not!


I'm not trying to give you the bums rush here but a lot of your threads are theologically based, would your time be better spent on forums where you are more likely to get robust debates on those matters? I hope you don't join the long list of quality posters leaving but could understand why you might choose to spend time at a more suitable site for your interests rather than the very broad church that I'd SF.

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This is what you did with me in a thread... But you came across confrontational, and instead of disagreeing with me and putting your point across (which would have lead to better debate) you tried putting me on the spot to explain myself, I shouldn't have to explain myself, I have my own views through educating myself on subjects. I shouldn't have to dig out information for you to back up my points on request.


BIB. This really says it all. This is an Internet forum; it's really not the place for deep and / or comprehensive discussions.


And the only reason I bothered to post at all is because you put forward your Buddhist beliefs, yet I've found you quite confrontational on many occasions.


Which simply shouldn't be the case as you should be mindful of the importance of your own actions - certainly, the triviality of opinions online should be little more than a blip!

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And there lies your problem, when people answer to the best of their ability you occasionally accuse them of dodging the question or not answering the question, at which point answering any further questions becomes pointless


Mr Smith.


I am very capable of seeing the difference between someone answering to the best of their ability and someone avoiding a question.


Merely avoiding it and saying 'I have answered' as a get out clause is not answering to the best of your ability.


When people answer and I don't agree then we can go further into it or agree to disagree - but that's a million miles away from not actually answering.


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 20:50 ----------


Sometimes people ignore your questions or your posts altogether, that's just life on the internet. If someone doesn't want to respond to you they don't have to.


I have noticed you doing this, I do it myself sometimes too. And sometimes it comes across as little patronising, as if the thread and the discussion were yours to control, as if were your own personal question and answer session with whoever you happen to be arguing with at the time.


It's frustrating when people ignore your substantive points or questions and instead choose to only respond to other weaker versions of your argument put forward by other posters but who are we to demand they listen to us?


No one, I agree, but that's what this thread is about - it's what I want to get others opinions on - should we push and if so how should we push?


I'm questioning it myself and want help - that's why I put the question out there.

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Mr Smith.


I am very capable of seeing the difference between someone answering to the best of their ability and someone avoiding a question.


Merely avoiding it and saying 'I have answered' as a get out clause is not answering to the best of your ability.


When people answer and I don't agree then we can go further into it or agree to disagree - but that's a million miles away from not actually answering.



You get out what you put in. Set the bait (your side of an argument)


Then sit back and fish for the answers, they will come if aren't as confrontational. It's all about freedom and the expression of opinions which flows better with civilised discussion.

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Mr Smith.


I am very capable of seeing the difference between someone answering to the best of their ability and someone avoiding a question.


Merely avoiding it and saying 'I have answered' as a get out clause is not answering to the best of your ability.


When people answer and I don't agree then we can go further into it or agree to disagree - but that's a million miles away from not actually answering.


That’s another problem you have, you assume too much, if I say I have answered to the best of my ability, it means that I have answered to the best of my ability, just because you don't think so or don’t like the answer, doesn't alter the fact that I do answer to the best of my ability.

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So you are looking to be proved right, or just the meaning of life itself :)


Neither, I am looking to find genuine opinions which I don't feel I get when people avoid the questions.


I can understand to a degree why people do it - you've said yourself you don't want to go too deep into your opinions on certain subjects because of the labels attached to those opinions - but from my point of view I have no intention of labelling you as anything - I just want the opinion so we can look at the question - not to find 'right' and 'wrong', but to explore it on a deeper level than we usually get to.


There are, I admit one or two exceptions - and they relate almost exclusively to people making specific claims - those of religion and the supernatural usually, but that's because I'm interested in those subjects - and I think if people make specific claims they should be willing to be questioned on them.

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