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Should we chase answers to questions?

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I try to look at debate as conversation as it allows you to remove yourself. Debate is a little to beholden if you're busy.


The more you scream for an answer the more you look as though you NEED to prove a point, especially when you have an audience and your non responsive adversary is or had a weaker point. If your point is strong you don't actually need it to be acknowledged by the weaker participant, it's there for all to see. It's just a case of maturity, being able to say "actually that makes sense".


What I have noticed with the op is that many of the posts are long and substantive, probably taking a long time to construct. I can imagine it's frustrating getting a "non" reply or no reply at all.

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Sometimes people have different opinions.


They do indeed.


My two best friends. One is a Muslim, one is a Lesbian - I don't agree with both of them on everything, and they probably wouldn't agree with each other on anything!


I like different opinions, I would find it challenging to be close friends with those who share all of my opinions - but I like different opinions that can be explored - not those that say this is as it is and that's it.


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 21:03 ----------


This is what you did with me in a thread... But you came across confrontational, and instead of disagreeing with me and putting your point across (which would have lead to better debate) you tried putting me on the spot to explain myself, I shouldn't have to explain myself, I have my own views through educating myself on subjects. I shouldn't have to dig out information for you to back up my points on request.


If you are against what I say, then debate your point and put across your own information to back up your claim. It is lazy to disagree then point the finger demanding answers, which is why you got no response from me.


A fair point, but the difficulty is that I don't always have a point to make, so I cannot always put across information to back up my claim - I just want to explore the subject at hand, and I cannot do this without asking questions.


I do however apologise for seeming (or being) confrontational - it is opinions like these I want on here - how far should one go in asking for answers - thankyou.


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 21:05 ----------


It seems to me that if you appreciate specific answers to specific questions then it needs to be that way.


I often have a point of view on a subject with no real conviction or might even put forward the good and the bad points, my answers wouldn't necessarily help your passion for specifics but I still can enjoy the debate.


It is the case that sometimes to enhance the debate specific questions have to be asked, only then can we go beyond the specifics!

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They do indeed.


My two best friends. One is a Muslim, one is a Lesbian - I don't agree with both of them on everything, and they probably wouldn't agree with each other on anything!


I like different opinions, I would find it challenging to be close friends with those who share all of my opinions - but I like different opinions that can be explored - not those that say this is as it is and that's it.



Me too, and most opinions are open to exploration, depending on constraints.


Often if you can make a person feel comfortable, and keep them interested they will discuss their opinions happily.

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They do indeed.


My two best friends. One is a Muslim, one is a Lesbian - I don't agree with both of them on everything, and they probably wouldn't agree with each other on anything!


I like different opinions, I would find it challenging to be close friends with those who share all of my opinions - but I like different opinions that can be explored - not those that say this is as it is and that's it.


Some posters have a tag around their necks and no matter how much you explain the errors of their ways they are immoveable, and sometimes it's not because of a lack of their intelligence. The best ploy is to make your verbal kill and back away. :hihi:

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I'm not trying to give you the bums rush here but a lot of your threads are theologically based, would your time be better spent on forums where you are more likely to get robust debates on those matters? I hope you don't join the long list of quality posters leaving but could understand why you might choose to spend time at a more suitable site for your interests rather than the very broad church that I'd SF.


I have tried different forums - one of the appeals of SF is that very broad base of opinion - religious, or anti religious forums tend to be very basic in opinion and are more often than not even more us and them than this is!

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I do however apologise for seeming (or being) confrontational - it is opinions like these I want on here - how far should one go in asking for answers - thankyou.



No worries, it's the nature of the beast with internet forums, I expect it, as most will... I was just hoping to give you some insight as to why you don't always get the answers you crave.

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BIB. This really says it all. This is an Internet forum; it's really not the place for deep and / or comprehensive discussions[/Quote]




And the only reason I bothered to post at all is because you put forward your Buddhist beliefs, yet I've found you quite confrontational on many occasions[/Quote]


Again I apologise for this, but I think (and I'm sure those who know me 'in person' would agree) that this may be more the limited media of trying to explore what can be quite polarised ideas without the benefit of face to face contact.


Which simply shouldn't be the case as you should be mindful of the importance of your own actions - certainly, the triviality of opinions online should be little more than a blip!


I try to be, but I am only a human being like everyone else - prone to all the trappings and mistakes we as a species are capable of - I think perhaps it may be your idealised idea of a 'Buddhist' than any particularly terrible trait I may have that gives you that impression!


There are lots of 'should's' in your comment. I wonder if I 'should' even be on Sheffield forum at all, which is part of the reason I started this thread. All your comments are useful in helping me go deeper into this question.

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I need to leave it there for tonight for my part. But I sincerely thank you all for your comments/ideas, even (or especially) those that are critical of me - keep them coming!


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 21:25 ----------


Are you looking for reasons to stay with the forum or conformation that your decison to leave is the correct one for you?


I don't know, I think I will know the deeper I go - the thread has changed directions somewhat, probably for the better from my perspective.


I need to go now though - I don't think I've talked to you before but I like your line of questioning if I may say so. I like difficult questions, ones that make me say I don't know :thumbsup:

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I need to leave it there for tonight for my part. But I sincerely thank you all for your comments/ideas, even (or especially) those that are critical of me - keep them coming!



Don't take it the wrong way though mate, it's only the internet.


I'm sure most people on here are pleasant in real life, I hope that's not a naive statement from me, but I love Sheffield, colourful city full of characters.

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