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Should we chase answers to questions?

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I'm often accused on here (and I admit, not wrongly) of constantly chasing people for answers to questions I've asked.


Now I see this as perfectly justifiable, if someone has made a claim and you ask them either a direct question or make a comment that requires further clarification about that claim then in my mind it is only polite to answer to the best of your ability.


What we seem to get instead, time and time again is posters who either ignore the question completely, dance around it without not actually giving an answer or by way of misdirection ask their own questions in response.


For my own part I always try to answer any question asked of me or if I don't know the answer either hazzard a guess (stating it is a guess and that I don't actually know) or simply say 'I don't know'.


So here is my question (not another one I here some of you cry!)


Is it wrong on a discussion forum when someone makes a claim and it is challenged to expect them to answer the question without deliberately sidestepping it? and if it's not wrong how far should one go in pursuing an answer from the person?

As someone in the same boat, my opinion is that if they make a claim/assertation/accusation they should back it up or hold their hands up and admit they don't have an explanation or that it was just their opinion, rather than fact.

If they just ignore you while continuing to post on the same thread, or worse, quote and respond to your posts with unrelated distractions, it is perfectly justified to seek the truth.


---------- Post added 07-06-2013 at 22:23 ----------


This is what you did with me in a thread... But you came across confrontational, and instead of disagreeing with me and putting your point across (which would have lead to better debate) you tried putting me on the spot to explain myself, I shouldn't have to explain myself, I have my own views through educating myself on subjects. I shouldn't have to dig out information for you to back up my points on request.

Did you present them merely as views and points or did you present them as fact and/or assertions?

I only ask because this (the latter) is what many do, and these are the people I have seen PaliRich pursuing.

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What I have noticed with the op is that many of the posts are long and substantive, probably taking a long time to construct. I can imagine it's frustrating getting a "non" reply or no reply at all.


I have seen posts on other forums that are really long, and I just dont read them. Because I have my views, and I back them up with facts; but if you dont acept that, for instance - Vodaphome paying zero corperation tax is an example of capitalism not working. Then you are not close enough to understand my view-point.

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