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Will the EDL ever become a political party?

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Yes, precisely, and that's why spending five minutes thinking about the bigger picture (i.e. fish and chips are the 17th century's chicken tikka massala) might persuade them that this is not a sound intellectual position to take. Or force them to admit that what they're dressing up as good old fashioned conservative nostalgia is actually just racism.


I wish I could be as succinct as that.

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Make the other lefties like me? Good grief, man.


I explicitly said what I said because I am bone-weary of being pulled apart on this forum for positions that are to me self-evident. And they're not self-evident because I'm an arrogant arsehole who believes my word is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are self-evident because they're based on many, many years of thinking, writing, reading and teaching this stuff.


I'm sure you'd agree with me that a lot of the people who post on here are mindless idiots and/or trolls. You are not one of them, which is why it's extra-specially wearying to be pulled apart by you. If you want to defend someone's right to argue the decline of British culture because they hate Islam, be my guest. But don't do it by nitpicking my original post, which suggested nothing more controversial than 'a bit context might help with that racism you've got going on there.'


(Note for literalists: this is a sort of exaggeration of my original post, for rhetorical effect.)


I don't avoid difficult conversations, or try and shut down debate on here. I call out crap when I see it, and 'decline in British culture', as a phrase, is a knee-jerk, tabloideseque bit of ignorance that it's a shame to see anyone try and defend.


You want to debate the burqua, or Islamic extremism, or whatever - again, be my guest. But it needs to be specific. I do not, cannot and will not buy that anything practised by considerably less than 5% of the population is worth being cited as a decline in British culture, in whatever form it takes. To be particularly robust about it: how fragile do you think this culture is if a few burquas undermine it? It's laughable from multiple positions, not least the sense of perspective one.


Your all charm woman, I remember a thread a couple of months ago where you were requesting posters ignored someone you and a few others disagreed with ..... so really you do like to stifle debate :suspect:

..... particularly when you disagree with, or should I say when arguing with, posters that you think you are superior to ...... are you a socialist :D

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Ah, jimmy, it was rhetoric. I don't care if it isn't logical or sound. I'm debating on a forum largely populated by morons, what do I care if you want to pick holes in things? I never claimed it was sound. If you are not persuaded by my rhetoric, I'll deal with the crushing blow.


And what you claim here is true it only true if we have consensus on what equals worse. We don't. You might believe that the burqua makes British culture worse but I can find you ten people who say it doesn't. (I am not, for the purposes of this post, going to be one of them because who has the energy for that can of worms? Not me.)


And given that, it follows entirely logically that if I disagree with a person's definition of worse, I am entirely free to point and laugh at them for claiming there's a decline in British culture.


I'm with Jessica here.

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No, I eat and like halal kebabs, I've just never heard of Muslim curry.:)


I wonder...

If a muslim went to the depths amazon and showed them the wonders of a tikka masla, and the tribesmen decided it might be better with a type of meat that once talked,

would that be a muslim curry?

off on a further tangent can you get a halal human?

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They are Indian, Chinese and Thai curries, the ideology of the person doing the cooking doesn't change that fact. :)


What if a recipe is common to Muslims living in different countries but not prepared by non Muslims in those countries? ;)

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Will King Tommy or any EDL supporter be condemning this recent nail bomb attack on a mosque today like they ask muslims to do to show they don't condone it or will they be secretly happy= http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk-news/2013/jul/12/police-nail-bomb-mosque-terrorist-tipton

The English Drunkards League claim to be against extreme Islam and not all muslims so lets see how true that is.

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